The selkidomus hunt (Part 7)

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Y'all I just caught up on the new episodes and it's inspired me to finally forget about my depressive state for a while and WRITE

Also I'm changing it up a bit- imma go along with some of the original plot- but- my Version. Some scenes are from the actual show- but others I made up.

Oh yea and isidora is Luz's middle name- I couldn't think of anything else so. Yeaaaaa



I yawned, trudging down the stairs in my school uniform, deep red, blue, green and orange colouring my arms and legs, with some extra purple at the end of my sleeves.

Whilst Luz was taking part in all different subjects, I had decided to stick with bard magic, plant magic, illusion, beast keeping and oracle.

I wasn't to interested with the rest, but apparently I'm also taking part in the 'blue orbed mystery magic' class so who can complain.

Stretching my hands above my head I finally walked into the kitchen where Luz was sitting, eating a griffin egg.

She looked up at me entering and straightened.


"Luz....?" I muttered quietly, confusion falling onto my features as I slowly walked over to the table and sat across from her.

"How are you feeling today?"

"I'm- I'm Fine... you...?"

"Oh I'm great- completely fine!" she grinned, but I could tell most of it was forced.


"Alright well I'm gonna go now, don't wanna be late for school!"


"Bye y/n! Bye eda! Bye king!" She yelled, hurrying out of the room and towards the door.

I blinked and looked at eda who was looking even more bewildered.

She looked at me with furrowed brows, and that's when I realised what this was probably about.

I shrugged as nonchalantly as I could before standing up as well.

"well... I better get going as well then-" 

Eda blinked at me. Utterly confused.

"You alright, kid-?"

"Yes! Yea I'm- I'm fine- completely fine- don't worry about me- but uuhhhhh I'm gonna- go now, so- bye!"

"But you haven't eaten-"


Eda looked from where I had just left to king, who just shrugged.


This was starting to give me a headache. Everywhere I went, if Luz saw me she'd be crowding me with questions asking if I'm feeling ok or if I need anything- then only to sneak of somewhere Immediately afterwards.

I knew this was about what happened yesterday, and I know it's a really big thing but jeez she couldn't have been less subtle about it if she tried.

I was waiting at the front of the school, the day was over and I was waiting for Eda when Luz ran up to me.

"Hey, y/n. How are you now? Need anything?"

"For the last. Time. Luz, I am fine."

"Are you sure? I can get you-"


"Ok ok, fine- I get it- but with what happened yesterday-"

"Ok- Luz, I get that you're worried and all, but you have to tone it down a bit. I'll deal with it- I am dealing with it, ok- I know it isn't normal but there really isn't much you can do."

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