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And so, Nari waits.

She waits days, weeks, and months, wishing to see Taehyun again, but without that horrible aching, that awfully painful longing to see him. Instead, she waits with patience and hope. She has faith that her Taehyun will come back to her. She has faith that eventually, one day, he'll come to find her and tell her that he loves her. She believes in it, that one day they'll get to say those simple yet beautiful words to each other.

She finishes her college course, and becomes a permanent part of the staff at the middle school she's so grown to love. She's beyond delighted to reunite with her beloved students, and learns to love the rest, too. She learns to love even the difficult parts of her work as a teacher, for she's gone through worse and she refuses to be pushed down by trivial things anymore.

Part of her does this with the faith that Taehyun will be proud of her. Some part of her no longer registers their age difference anymore; he's just Taehyun, the boy she loves and is waiting to come back to her, and she's just Nari living her life the way he would want her to.

A year passes, and then a month. And then another.

Until finally, on the 9th of April, he comes back to her.



A/N: when i first planned this book, i was torn about who nari would choose in the end, and when i finally did, it was literally the dumbest reason ever. you're allowed to laugh.

i watched blue hour and got severely bias wrecked by how adorable taehyun was in the 'but it's you, you're the one that i want,' part at the start. yes, everyone, kang taehyun flashing an eye-blinding smile was all it took for him to become the star.

i'm so whipped for txt and it shows.

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