Chapter 14

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Every day.

It was never-ending.

Izuku was forced to fight a different Nomu every few hours, courtesy to Sensei. Sumiko was the only person keeping him sane. She always brought him food and kept him company by talking with him or teaching him new things. Apparently, she'd requested some books from Kurogiri and Sensei had approved, saying, "My masterpiece has to be intelligent." Whatever that meant.

Sumiko also taught him lots of interesting curse words and how to say them in English, sign language, and Morse. His favorite one had to be 'fuck' and 'bitch', though he'd never say them to other people. Only those who were mean and deserved it. He wished he could say it to Sensei's face, but unless he wanted to get in trouble, then he was going to keep quiet.

Izuku learned much more things about Sumiko's quirk and a little about Kurogiri and Shigaraki's quirk. Kurogiri could create portals or 'warps', as Sensei said. He could open multiple at a time as long as he knew where the location was. The piece of metal around his neck was possibly a weak spot.

He'd experience Shigaraki's quirk firsthand, and it was not pleasant. Izuku had accidently made him angry and Shigaraki had placed all five fingers on his left arm.

It caused the skin to crumble off, revealing the muscle and causing an insanely large amount of pain. Sumiko almost freaked out at the wound and hurriedly used her quirk to patch him up as much as she could without draining too much of his blood.

Izuku never made Shigaraki mad after that. On his good days, he'd order Izuku to play video games with him, and Izuku made sure to lose without seeming like he didn't try. Shigaraki would laugh to himself and call for another round.

Sumiko couldn't heal herself with her quirk. She said it was because her blood cells were special and forced the other person's blood cells to work faster. If she tried to use her quirk on herself, she would get sick, usually a fever. If she still used it on herself for more than a few minutes, she would explode.

Izuku had grimaced at that nasty mental picture. "Obviously, it was the quirk specialist who told me that," she said. "I never tried it on myself because that would be very messy. Plus, I didn't want to die."

Sensei had never used a quirk. Izuku always wondered what it was, but it wasn't like he could outright ask the man.

Izuku was starting to miss home with his mother who hated him, his school who hated him, and the outside world who probably hated him. 

Sumiko was nice. Izuku knew that. He started to open up to her, which she appreciated, she'd told him.

He told her about his mom, his school, Kacchan, and various other memories that surfaced. He told her about the cuts that she'd seen the first time they met and she had pulled him into a hug right away. Izuku resisted the urge to cry.

Sumiko was like the mom he'd never had, though she told him that if she was going to get a title, it was going to be 'Big Sister'. 

"'Mom' makes me feel old, and I'm only twenty-three." Sumiko said, patting his head. Izuku was happy to oblige, and she called him 'Little Brother', or 'Lil Bro' for short.

She'd called Kacchan a 'prissy little bitch' and 'grenade fuck' since his quirk was explosions, and Izuku would have laughed out loud if his voice wasn't so quiet.

When Sumiko wasn't with him, she was in her room next door. They would talk to each other with silent taps of Morse code so they wouldn't be lonely. Sometimes, Kurogiri would come in and politely ask them to please stop or Shigaraki would throw a fit.

They didn't risk it.

Sumiko taught him whenever Sensei didn't call for him. She made sure to teach him actual martial arts along with a few dirty tricks. "Life isn't fair. You gotta do what you gotta do." she said. Along with some basic school subjects, she also taught him some first aid so he could take care of himself if he was on the brink of death.

He was happy with her, even when he was being trained to death.

Every Nomu was either bigger or scarier than the last one, stronger and faster. Izuku always came back with some kind of injury, which was leaving lots of ugly scars.

He almost got killed a lot of times, and Sumiko would always hit his head softly and lecture him playfully.

Izuku thought she was a great big sister and teacher, and Sumiko laughed when he said that, saying, "I have to take care of you, Midoriya. What kind of big sister would I be if I didn't?"

There were a few times when Sumiko would come in, a slap mark on her face or part of the skin on her arm disintegrated. Izuku would rush over to her and patch her wounds like she taught him, and share his meal with her.

It was nice, someone actually caring about him. It was also nice that he could care for someone without them shooing him away like he was an overenthusiastic dog and the owner was having a bad day.

Sumiko had brushed him off when he told her about his lack of a quirk, saying that it didn't matter and she didn't care about that.

Izuku almost cried at that, and she had chuckled, patting his back and saying "There, there. It's just the truth." 

"The truth that many people either didn't know or ignored." she added, and Izuku buried his face into the pillow he was hugging. Sumiko sighed before pulling him into a hug.

Sumiko is big sis for life :D

I mean it wouldn't make any sense if Kurogiri tried to teach him sign language so I had to add an OC. Kurogiri's hands are just smoke sooooo 

Also coz I like their relationship :)

Lol I made Sumiko pat him a lot. Kinda like Tanjiro with Nezuko, and it's so cute.

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