Chapter 21

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I'd just like to mention that Izuku is 12 now, just in case some of you were confused :)

Izuku perched atop the roof of the apartment and clicked the flashlight, illuminating the sheet of paper he had gotten earlier. It was lines of addresses. 

What was this again? Izuku racked his brain to try and remember.

Oh, right. This was his list of suicide spots. Izuku wondered if he could take shelter in one of them and decided to look for the first one. After plenty of twists and turns, he found it.

He was greeted by the familiar sight of the run-down shop he remembered well. He could stay in it if he cleaned it up and covered the windows. 

Izuku couldn't stay on the first floor, that would make it easy to draw suspicion. He decided that settling on one of the higher floors was a better idea. Izuku faced the pile of wood that laid next to the opening.

Could he jump that high?

Izuku leapt up and went straight back down. 

He tried again, and almost made it. 

Izuku finally managed to hook his fingers on the edge and pulled himself up, and he was greeted by the second floor. It was still too obvious, so he found the opening to the third floor and tried jumping up again.

This floor was better, but he needed to clean it up.

Izuku set to work. He grabbed a rag from a dumpster nearby and washed it under a nearby tap, then used it to wipe off all the dust and later, the mold and mildew. Izuku grabbed one of his oldest shirts and cut it into pieces with a pair of scissors, saving the extra cloth for later. He was elated when he discovered that the light was still working, even if it was faint. 

Izuku only managed to salvage two chairs and a table, since the other pieces fell apart almost immediately. He placed the wood to the side.

Soon enough, the room was practically spotless. Izuku grabbed a large cloth and covered up the windows to prevent curious eyes.

While cleaning, Izuku wondered why he was even doing this. Wouldn't it be better if he just resumed his ordinary life? 

Maybe it was the feeling that he didn't want to be with his mom or his classmates. Oh, speaking of classmates, how was Kacchan doing? Izuku wondered if he had started picking on another student ever since he was missing. 

Izuku placed his blanket on the cold tiled floor and dumped out the contents of his bag. He wanted to sort his things properly. He thought about making a small drawer with some wood to store his things. 

As he was thinking, his stomach rumbled. Izuku stared at his middle with distaste.

Oh, right. Food. Where was he even going to get any?

Maybe he could rummage through dumpsters, see if there was anything he could salvage. Izuku thanked himself for taking his money last minute.

Wait, maybe he could sell off his All Might merchandise? Izuku stored that in the back of his mind for later.

He wondered how Sumiko was doing. He felt bad for leaving her, but she was with the police and that was much better than being stuck with him. Izuku set his notebooks next to his pencil case on the floor, running through his mental checklist.

First, he was going to go back to his room and take all the merchandise he could find. How he was going to sell it, he didn't know.

Second, he was going to find a junkyard.

Water probably wasn't an issue, seeing that he could collect it when it rains. Boiling it would be enough.

Izuku spread out the blanket on the relatively clean floor and used a shirt for a makeshift pillow, covering himself with an extra blanket. 

It was all happening so fast, Izuku's mind couldn't catch up. He snapped his eyes shut and tried his best to fall asleep. 

He only got three hours of rest.


Aizawa practically threw his capture scarf onto his couch as he sank into it. It had been a stressful day. After a long session of filling in paperwork, he was ready to knock out for the night. Thankfully, it was the weekend, so he wouldn't have to prepare his lesson plan right at that moment.

Aizawa got up and dragged himself to the pantry, where he pulled out a jelly pouch and unscrewed the cap. He sipped it and slammed his head back onto the couch. 

They'd found a woman with some cuts and bruises, but that was all. All that effort, just for the villains to escape via teleportation quirk. Aizawa knew that saving people was more important than capturing villains, but he would be lying if he said that it wasn't stressful when the suspects got away.

Not only that, they even managed to take some of their documents away. Most of the others were the records of missing or deceased people, along with the young woman's file. Tsukauchi said he suspects it was something important, and Aizawa wanted to sigh and ask him why he was saying such an obvious statement. 

Entering the facility wasn't very difficult. It was unguarded, quite surprising. Tsukauchi pushed the door open, and a creepy hallway like those in horror movies greeted them.

The rooms that they found were much too tiny. No light except for a simple half-broken bulb that barely gave any light. The woman lived in the bigger one. Aizawa wondered who was the poor soul who had to stay in the other room. He did not like the blood that glazed the floors. The large empty room was even worse. The floor was practically dyed red. After more searching, they found a room similar to an operating room, and Aizawa knew that the purpose of the room would not be pleasant.

Aizawa gulped down the jelly and crumpled the empty pouch, tossing it into the trash can. He would have to move sooner or later to take a shower, but that could wait for a while.

I have a problem

Does anyone know how to merge chapters 

Is that even a thing

Send help plsssss

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