Sequel and Q&A

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I have a little secret. As some of you may know, I've been writing another fanfiction on the side that I have not yet posted. It is called "Alpha's Story."

It is a companion to this story. It will be in Alpha's point of view, and will start in the middle of 'The Titan's Curse'. It'll start out with her death as Bianca, take you through how she became Alpha, then fill in the gaps of this story (such as what was happening at camp while Omega was being held prisoner). So, it will start earlier than this story, but will end at about the same spot.

I hope you guys are as excited as I am about this!

EDIT: Story is posted! You can find it on my profile :)


I get a lot of the same comments and questions on this fanfiction so I thought I would use this spot to clear up confusion. If you have any more questions, comment them below and I will add them here. Note: I know it may seem I'm frequently telling you to go read Alpha's Story in these answers but that is solely because it provides a lot more context to the subplots of this fanfiction.

1. Why 2,5/2500 years?

The time split of 1:1000 years was requested by the person who requested a Chaos story. As for the 2,5 (2,5 = 2.5 -- it is the French spelling. I was still at a French school when I wrote this book and that was the way I learned decimals) -- I needed a timeline that allowed the same campers to be at Camp Half-Blood when Omega returned so it could only be a couple years in human years. 2,5 just sounded cool to me so I did it.

2. How can Alpha be Bianca?

If you want a full explanation of how this process happened, then check out Alpha's story. The short version is that after she died, Chaos offered Bianca a special deal to choose rebirth and still have all her human memories and looks. She agreed and stayed on Chaos's world. She was there from the time of TTC to HoH when Omega arrived. Then, as mentioned in this book, she decided to change the colour of her hair and eyes, and wore a mask at all times, so nobody would recognize her.

3. Who were the other members of the army?

Nobody else from the PJO universe was in the army. I know many Chaos stories include characters who have died but I wanted a new cast of characters to work with. If you want to learn more about them, they all have a lot more character development in Alpha's Story.

4. Who was the shapeshifter?

I chose to leave that up to the imagination of the reader. Oftentimes, our own imagination can scare us more than whatever an author can leave before us.

5. Why did Percy believe shapeshifters didn't exist when he knew Frank?

As far as I understood in the books, Frank can only turn into animals. Percy's horror was directed at the fact that the shapeshifter could become other humans.

6. How did Annabeth get to Percy?

I summarized that as best as I could in this fanfiction but if you want more detail, refer to Alpha's Story. It's too convoluted and involves too much of the plot of that fanfiction to explain here.

7. How did Poseidon feel once Percy came back?

This is once again a place where I leave that up to the imagination of the reader. Personally, I think that their relationship was probably too broken to be fixed but others are welcome to their own opinion. I didn't feel that was integral to the story so I chose not to include it.

8. Will you ever write an actual sequel?

I'm considering it.I would only write it if I have an idea that I think is good enough to merit another book. I love where this fanfiction ended and I think it would be doing a disservice to the story to tack on an unnecessary sequel.

9. You said someone requested this story. Can I request a story?

Yes you can! Please PM me any requests. I am willing to write in both the PJO/HoO universe (nothing Riordanverse outside these series as I have not read the other books) and HP universe. I can't promise that I will write every request that comes my way but it is always worth asking :)

EDIT: As of 2022, I'm not very active on Wattpad, so I probably won't write any more fanfictions. Thank you for all your support on here. If you're interested in supporting me as an author, I write romance novels under the pen name Isabel Hansen on Amazon now.

I hope you have an amazing day/evening/night,


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