Chapter 16

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Perseus Jackson. You're not safe here. You're not safe anywhere. I will find you. I couldn't get voice out of my head. Last night I had that nightmare again. The one where I was in camp and no one was around, then the water turned to poison, and a voice hissed those words in my ear. Not the scariest dream I've had, but still pretty creepy.

"Are you okay?" Alpha asked, just before we started training that morning. "You look a little pale."

"I'm wearing a white mask," I replied. "Of course I look pale."

Alpha rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean," she said.

"I'm fine," I told her. "I just want to get this stupid war over with."

Training was for the most part, uneventful. We just worked and worked, right until lunch. Then, right when we were about to leave, something happened.

Out of nowhere, Forgotten fell to her knees, clutching her head and screaming in pain. Everyone started panicking, trying to figure out what was happening. People were screaming. Others were yelling out orders. But most were just staring, either horrified or in shock.

"What's going on?"

"Call a doctor!"

"What's happening to her?"

"Is she dying?"

"Forgotten," I asked, falling to my knees beside her. "Forgotten can you hear me?" The only answer I got was her screaming stopping. Not a second later, her arms fell limp to her sides and she fell backwards onto the ground, unconscious.


A boy had fallen off a cliff. That was why Forgotten had reacted like that. The weird thing was that from what I knew, children of Hades and Thanatos were only supposed to sense death, not feel the pain of it. I had never seen anything like that before.

She was fine now. We moved her to her bed as she passed out, and she woke up about an hour later.

Everyone had theories about why it happened. The problem with their theories was that they didn't know Forgotten was the daughter of Thanatos. I hadn't told anyone her secret. Not even Alpha.

Some people said Forgotten was abducted by aliens. Some people thought that the gods were trying to get back at her. But the most common (and most realistic) theory was that the enemy did it. We knew he could control people, so that theory wasn't really out of question.

No one could come up with a theory on why she was okay now. Was it just a warning? Or was she meant to be killed? Did something go wrong with the plan?

Another thing that was on everyone's mind was why the boy had jumped. Well actually, there was no proof that he jumped. For all we knew, his death could have been an accident. He could have just fallen. He could have slipped. No one believed that though. Clearly any death that happened here could not be an accident.

So the question remains: why did he jump?


A group of us were lying in the living room of the cabin. I was lying on the couch. Alpha was sitting sideways in the arm chair, with her back against one arm rest, and her legs dangling over the other. Forgotten and Lune were lying on the ground. Forgotten was lying on her back, with her eyes closed. We wanted her to rest in her room, but she didn't want to be stuck in her room, so this was our compromise.

"It is way too depressing in here," Mustang declared, storming into the cabin and slamming the door behind her.

"Well, someone did just jump off a cliff," Alpha pointed out.

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