Chapter one

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I love to play pranks and one girl just didn't get that. We had lost touch once I moved(thank goodness), but then right as I was getting ready to block Molly, she emailed me saying that she wanted to keep in touch. Now, I'm usually a nice girl, except for when I'm sarcastic but Molly makes me want to kill something. She's the type of girl that people talk about behind their back or in front of her and she's oblivious. She's the type of girl who thinks she can deliver a burn but really can't. She's the type of girl to invade everyone's friendships and ruin them. At least, that what she did with all of my friendships, including Cate, my best friend since birth. Of course, Sam didn't help. Sam had come right before Molly and started sowing the seeds for destruction. Of course, then Cate sided with her and abandoned me. But I use the pain to write songs. Back to Molly though, I had to answer her when she emailed me so I pranked her. I hated her enough that I almost left her believing that, but then she tried to FaceTime and I had to come clean. This was the conversation and this conversation happened past midnight. Now, I love staying up late, I do it all the time, but not to talk to her.

    "Are you actually going to a boarding school? And a riding school?" Molly asked.

   "Yea, and I have my own room cause there are only two students. But it's online," I responded.

    "No way! That's so cool. Can I see your room?"

    "Well, it's past midnight here so I probably shouldn't. Also, obviously, the riding school isn't online."

"Well, duh! How would you learn to ride a horse online? Come on, Amethyst, think. Ah! We should FaceTime next week."

I groaned, but of course, she couldn't see it. "Yea, sure. Let's FaceTime next week," I responded, I just wanted to 'go to bed' but not sleep.

You know what she had the nerve to do? She had the nerve to call me and ask to see my room the next week. Of course, that would've given it away, so after a week of this prank, I had to come clean. Now, that was three weeks ago, and as much as I would love to say she left me alone after a week, she still texts me every day. It's basically my living nightmare. Ok, that may be a tad dramatic to some people, but you have not met Molly in the flesh. I shiver just thinking about her. Anyways, it's been three weeks and I've been texting Liv(my new best friend to replace backstabbing Cate), but today I can FaceTime her. With my overloaded, warped sense of imagination, we're writing a series based on a story that I wrote with three of my other stories in it. Anyways, Molly found out cause I told her. Now I was mad at her from an argument about siblings from earlier so when she asked, I didn't answer immediately. She guessed these four people: Liv, Lizzie, Evie, and George. All I had to do was say it might be, and she thought I was talking about George. So, like any teenage girl, she asked George. And George, being like any teenage guy, said, and I quote, 'ur random, but no. WHY?!' honestly I laughed like crazy, but Molly kept pestering me for details about who the special guy was. Keep in mind that there is no guy and it's just my best friend. Liv suggested I use Severin from our series so I did just that. I text her back saying, 'ok you win, it's this guy named Severin.' Then she wanted even more details. Liv is an artist, so she drew a picture of me and this Severin and told me to send it to Molly. Oh it worked so well. Now I just had to figure out how to keep this prank going. The whole time I'm starting this prank, I'm yelling idiot. I mean who trusts someone that easily right after they got pranked by that same person. It might be mean to some people for me to do this, but when you have dreams of you killing someone after him just explaining what he would do if he ever kidnapped a girl, it's really actually nice.

A/n: what do you think will happen with this prank. Give me suggestions as this is my first humorous story for other people. Thanks for reading.

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