Chapter eleven

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        Today's the day. Severin wants to introduce me to his friend, Elliot. That means that I have to see Severin again and, as much as I would hate to admit being ruled by my nightmares, after my last one with him killing my sister, I don't really wanna see him again. If anything happens to Kayla, I'll never forgive myself. I might not always get along with her, but she's my favorite sister. She's fifteen and and the only sister who still lives at home. Julie is at college. Cali is married to Andy, and they have a little girl with a boy on the way. And Maxine is married to Marcus. Yep, that's right. I'm the youngest of five girls. I've got two brothers-in-law, a niece, a nephew on the way, and only one cousin that's a boy. I have twenty cousins, and only one of them is a guy. Julie can draw. Cali and Kayla sing. Maxine teaches. I write stories, songs, series, and scripts. I don't have a journal. "My stories are my journals," I told Julie when she asked why I didn't. You don't really want to be in my story, because it's usually about how you hurt me. Take Molly, she's in this story, and she ruined my life. But, then I have Hanna, she has not ruined my life or come close to ruining it. Same with Devan, Lacy, Liv, Evie, and Lizzie. Severin ruined my life by way of nightmare. I'm safe though, well, I think I am. We're snowed in, so I don't think he can make it on his bike. If I ever see him again, I'm punching him.

The doorbell rang. "Who is it?" I ask in a fake voice.

"Amethyst, is that you? Open the door. It's freezing out here, and we didn't come all this way to freeze to death cause you wouldn't let us in. Plus, how would you tell our parents?" That voice sounded a lot like-

"Liv?! Lizzie?! Evie?! What are you guys doing here?!" My best friends surprised me by showing up on my doorstep while everyone is snowed in. You gotta love having friends like them.

"We wanted to make sure you didn't kill Severin. I mean, if he hurt you or plans too, he gets to answer to us. And he won't survive," Liv responded.

         "Of course, that would be the same if it was you. Wait! Something's wrong. What's wrong, Amethyst?" Evie asked. All heads turned my way and scrutinized me, waiting for me to crack.

         "I had a nightmare of Severin killing Kayla over and over again. No one knows about it, if my parents find out they might really decide to send me away. As much as I know I have mental problems, I would not survive in a mental institution. I would go insane and kill myself," More to myself I added, "not that I haven't thought of doing that before," talking louder again, I continue, "I need to go do something, I'll be back." Before I could even make my escape, Liv had grabbed me like she knew what I was thinking.

        "Uh-uh. Oh, no you don't. Where do you think you're going? And what is this news of you thinking of killing your self? No, you've got a lot of explaining to do," Liv practically demanded.

       "Fine, we'll start with the fact that I've thought of killing myself, starting in fourth grade, when Cate, Sam, and Molly ruined my life. And I was planning to go write my story to let out my frustrations and fear. You know, you guys are in it. Well, kinda. I changed your names. I also gave you different roles. Liv, I need your help. I tried to design a fancy dress for my story, since it's about Cinderella, and I discovered that it is very hard, to say the least." When people say that they can draw, that doesn't actually mean they can. Believe me, I tried. I was able to draw this:

 I was able to draw this:

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And it doesn't necessarily look the best.

"Anyways, I need to go work on Cinderella. My plot has changed yet again. Cinderella might not end up with someone, seeing as he invaded my nightmares. I hadn't had one in so long but, now, I have it every time I fall asleep. Kayla and I might not always get along, but I'm not in the mood to wish her dead. I don't tell her everything that goes on to spare other people from her wrath. You guys are the same. There is only one person who knows just about all of my problems. For that person's sanity and privacy, I will not say who they are," I continued. They all just stared at me with their jaws dropped.

        "It's a guy?! You chose a guy over us?!l Liv yelled. To say that I messed up would be the second understatement of the year. The first being that they were furious. I mean words can't even begin to describe how mad they were. In all honesty it was hilarious, I mean, I laughed at the outburst.

"Ha-ha-ha! Are you serious? Just cause I say 'who they are', you automatically assume it's a guy?" Oh my word! These guys, *put my head in my hand*, you've gotta be kidding me.

"Don't laugh at us, and you never denied whether or not it was a boy." Evie said. Uh-oh, I got caught. Evie gasped, "It is a guy, and here we thought you were dating Severin. So, Whois the actual guy you're dating?"

"Hold up, I'm not dating anyone. I'm simply really good friends with a guy and," pause for dramatic affect to get minds racing, "we talk about these things." I shoot back. Time for my mental evil laugh *mwa-ha-ha-ha(make sure to raise the arms too)-ha-mwa-ha-ha* I look like a choir director in my mind. Ok, now, I want to laugh some more, so I go to YouTube and look up this video that my choir director made us watch a couple years ago. Now, it starts out serious for like the first minute, but it always causes me to almost die of laughter.

A/n: I personally love this video and I might add a couple other funny videos in later.

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