Chapter 2

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"I see visions of you on TV, the bathroom mirror and the sun" _____

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"I see visions of you on TV, the bathroom mirror and the sun"


"Present sir!"

I facepalmed internally when my eyes landed on Mr. Kim whose pen tip had stopped moving abruptly, freezing at the same position on the green page.

I turned my eyes towards the students who were all looking in my direction with their eyes wide open, probably because I had opened the door a bit too harshly.

The teacher caught my attention as he sighed in annoyance, putting down the silver pen on the table. There was an uncomfortable silence in the room, only some muffled footsteps from the corridor were audible.

The male teacher began rubbing the horizontal folds on his forehead with his index finger and thumb in circular manner, putting in every ounce of patience to keep himself from lashing out. Afterall, I had pissed him off on the very first day of the week.

Damn it Jungkook!

Five days of being consecutively late for the class is enough to cheese off any teacher. Especially when he is not a chill type.

In order to avoid worsening the situation, all the possible movements were suspended by the students. They sat tensely on their desks, ears completely focused on what the class in-charge was about to say.

After like forever, he broke the long period of quiet and ordered in an alarmingly low monotone, "Without saying a word, keep standing over there with your bag on and arms stretched above your head. Straight to the principal's office if you budge the slightest, understood?"

"Yes sir..." I maffled with a little nod, putting on the left shoulder strap quickly before raising both of my forelimbs facing exactly parallel to each other.

After that, I looked around the classroom with a smirk. Nobody dared to meet my eyes except Seungmin who moved his eyes towards Daehyun sitting in front of him. Back benches were reserved for the three of us, but then I noticed two unusual faces who had dared to step in my area.

Taehyung and Jimin.

Tsk, tsk.. Must be too eager to get bullied, I thought as a devilish smirk creeped on my face. Taehyung caught a glimpse of me from the corner of his almond eyes, then turned it towards the teacher,


Since when did he learn to behave well in front of me?

A sense of pride surged inside my brain, giving my limbs more energy to withstand the lactic acid accumulation in my already sore muscles. I loved the way how all the boys and girls always had their heads down in front of me.

After taking attendance, the teacher got up from his chair and opened his worn out chemistry textbook. The students followed his actions.

"On page 64, Introduction to organic chemistry... This chapter is all you need to know what organic chemistry is based on. So listen to me carefully."

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