The Stutter Duck

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Please read before proceeding to the chapter:

This book is going to be a lot darker than explained in the intro. Warnings will be mentioned along with the respective chapters.

TW: self-hate speech, slight mention of abuse.

" 'Cause I know the smallest voices, they can make it major"_____

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" 'Cause I know the
smallest voices, they can
make it major"


"You've sprained your ankle... Nothing serious though. It'll get better in a week" the school nurse said, bandaging my twisted ankle.

I, who hadn't spoken a word yet, hummed in response to the nurse's words as I didn't want to be misunderstood as rude.

Jieun stood beside the examination table with her hands at the back, tapping her feet continuously on the ceramic tile floor subconsciously. The class president's gaze was fixed at my injured foot, waiting for the nurse to wind up the process quickly as she, for sure, wasn't the type of person to be skipping classes for such things. She didn't complain nonetheless.

I stole several glances at her, cautious enough not to make obvious eye movements. Not only did she have a good academic record, but the female had great charisma. She'd speak bold in front of teachers and even the bullies with an unwavering voice, never letting the wrong happen in her presence.

There were these miraculous instances where she would manage to stop 'The Taekook Clash' but it was a sometimes thing. Jungkook being the muscle monster, didn't hesitate using his power on anybody to mark his dominance. The male's wrath would make him go blind and deaf, making it near impossible for anybody to handle him.

He feared none, all of us believed.

Imagining the ruthless male's sculpted face and rock hard body, chills ran down my spine. I was numb to all the names he'd call me by. But the way he growled in anger like an animal was one of the many things I hated. I despised how he bellowed at Taehyung just like...

My step dad.

"D-dad... I-I'm s-s-s-"

"Again this s-s-s-S! SAY IT PROPERLY!"


"It's all your fault, Byeol! You've miserably failed as a mother! Couldn't you even teach this boy how to talk? What am I supposed to do with this piece of disappointment?" my foster father shouted at his wife. He was on the verge of landing his hand on either of us at any moment.

"I've tried all possible ways, hoon. No matter how much I scold or beat him, he doesn't listen. And if you don't believe me, try it yourself! Let's see how much of a good parent you are!" she instigated her man, directing the whole point of argument on me to escape from her husband's rage.

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