Chapter 3

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"If you seek forgivenessYou'll get nothing, you'll getnothing from me"_____

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"If you seek forgiveness
You'll get nothing, you'll get
nothing from me"





Stepping into Jungkook's area was equivalent to invading a ravenous lion's den. My foolish mind was so concentrated on dodging trivial issues that it had no idea where it was heading to, thereby ended up standing right in front of the worst of all.

It wasn't that I dreaded the way he was going to treat me or spat all those nasty comments I had been listening to for years. It was just another thing in my life that I despised a lot. He was obsessed with hurling abuses at anybody and everybody around him who wasn't a friend.

I somehow happened to be amongst the older's most favourite targets. I wondered how he managed to survive on his off days without rubbing profanities in my face.

Unlike others who had their heads down low in front of that imbecile bundle of muscles, I always made sure to fight back whenever he used to take things way too far. And that would always end up shaking the whole high school section.

From paying several bucks of fine to moping all of the boy's washrooms after school hours, we had received every kind of punishment.

That day I knew I had started the fire by sitting on one of his friend's bench. He was trying his best to intimidate me, though I chose to stay calm and quiet. He only wanted to get a reaction out of me to start another fight but he wasn't getting any of it today, fuelling his anger further.

In addition to staying shut, I was putting up an act of cowardice to feed his egoistic head so that he would cut me some slack for the day. Losing my calm would've made the situation even worse, as I knew another fight meant another punishment. And the punishment was sure to drop the chances of visiting my aunt to nil.

For the sake of spending a couple of peaceful hours after school, I was making every effort to oppose the extreme urge to snap at the older male.

Let it slide Taehyung, let it slide.


"Okay class, we'll start with poetry section from tomorrow. Don't forget to bring your books."

"Yes ma'am" some of the students responded to the teacher's instructions in unison.

As the teacher left the classroom, there was hustle bustle all around. As it was our break time, students were randomly moving in and out, some were eating and laughing with their friends while others still had their eyes stuck to notebooks.

And then there was the last row of our class, lacking any noticeable movement or sound. Jimin and I were sitting on our seats with heads dropped down, eyes oscillating from floor to laterally towards one another's terrified faces.

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