Unhealthy Romance, Part 10

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Hey guys!! Well theres only like two more chappys left of this story!! NOOO!!! ;( But, like always I've started a new story cause this is ending called Sex, Teenage Lies and Painful Crushes. Maybe  u guys could check it out comment and even vote???? I could use all the feedback ppl! Lol XD

Part 10

My heart just stopped in my chest, everything seemed to blur as I stared down at . . . at nothing! He wasn't there! Just the ground with dried up leaves and brocken sticks but no body, no curled up up as it wiethered in pain!

"D-Derry?" I whispered but again nothing.

Just the cold wind whipping at my hair, blowing it back from my face as tears began racing down my cheeks.

He was dead! All this time, he was just dead-

I kissed him but he was-

'Run! Get up and run Sky!'

My head snapped up and I got to my feet looking all around trying to find where the voice came from. It was him, that was for sure but he wasn't anywhere here! His voice came and went with the wind and that was it, no other sign!


'How many times do I have to say it? RUN!'

"Where are you?" My mind was still racing over the idea that he was dead but the minute I heard the sound of heavy footsteps and breathing coming closer my attention snapped back almost like Derry being a ghost was the most normal thing in the world.

'Come on!' I shivered feeling something cold hit me and then my hand was surrunded by only coldness and I was being pulled by an invesible force that was Derry.

I ran, never looking back trying to dodge tears and getting used to the idea of what was happening, after all things just keep getting worse, I don't think there was anything else that could go wrong!

But that's when it hit me, almost like the world had just come to a stop and it was only me thinking, my mind going round and round trying to understand what I had just said in my mind.

What if it didn't stop? What if never gives up? Wouldn't we just be putting people back home in danger if it follows us?

My mind was brough back the minute we reached the clearing, the grass was cut short as if people were actually taking care of the place and the wind seemed to have soffened slightly up here and slowly that cold feeling was gone, my arm no longer being pulled as I slowly made my way to the edge of the cliff staring down at the water once I came to a hault.

The water crashed against the rocks, and the sky was different now, a light blue yet it felt like it was pulling us down.

'Jump!' I spun around at Derrys sudden order and faced that thing as it stood staring at me, only a few steps and I'd be at its mercy.

I shifted back almost lossing my ballence.

'Jump now!'

"Are you mad!?!" I screeched not taking my eyes from that thing and suddenly felt stupid, what was I talking to again?


'Sky . . . trust me,' I felt him then, the cold yet warm? Feeling pressing against my back, his breathe washing down my neck sending chills down my body as the wind began to blow my hair back.

For the first time, I closed my eyes leaving that thing to attack by surprise but when I felt Derry leave almost in a second, I took a deep breathe and put all my trust into him.

I stepped back knowing I was falling into thin air, my eyes tightly closed as I held my breathe.


Ok so 2 more chappys!!! Tell me what u think and yeah, check out the new story!!!! Part 2 of it will be up soon!!! Like maybe now XP

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