Unhealthy Romance, Part 2

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Part Two.

Troy was talking behind me to Big T (His choice of name.) about how stuck up and a bigger prick Liam was being. Liam wasn't chosen to play in this game and when we lost he decided to sit at the back on the right side and sulk by himself. Cindy was his girlfriend and he wouldn't even say a word to her, well he's the only guy that's actually taking it to heart. He thinks that he's the best player and the only reason they win is because of him. He is stuck up.

Troy and Big T are practically enemies with Liam, for one Liam's a racist bastard towards them just because they're black but trust me Troy's the bigger man. Liam just needs to get his head outta the sand and then someone needs to pouch his head in and teach him a lesson!

Cindy sighed loudly catching Jory's attention that was seated in front of them and mine as she pushed herself up off the seat and made her way to the back before sitting down next to Liam. Jory quickly got up squeezing past Ed and sat next to Clair who was also facing the back of the bus along with me, Jory, Troy and Big T, Yep we wanna see what's gonna happen, I mean he looks like someone's just died! And because of a football game which he can win next year!

Cindy ran her hand softly down his short blonde hair and he slapped her hand away annoyed. She put on a frown and with the anger burning through his blue eyes I decided not to poke my nose in anymore, I've already got Mary on my case I don't need him too.

"I swear she needs to dump him, if he gets upset because of a game can you imagine when they have a fight?!" Clair said shifting over until she was leaning over Jory as he stayed watching them.

"Yeah, but they solve a fight with anger sex." I said allowing a giggle to leave my lips as the same time as Clair.

"So what's up with you and Mary?"

"Nothing, she's just UP HER OWN ASS!" I said going louder at the end part making sure that she could hear me. I gave a quick glance behind me to see her staring daggers at me with her Blue eyes, Derry was also looking at me but I didn't risk giving him a full on glare, instead I turned to look back at Clair. "So you got your eye on anyone?"

"Kinda but I'm..." Clair was cut short as Ross screamed out his usual curses when rumours spread around.

"What's wrong Lilly?! Someone told you they don't like it from the backside?" Everyone went dead silent and turned to look at the third seat from the back where Ross was running a hand through his jet black short hair and his grey eyes in Luke's face. Luke had his fists and jaw clenched trying to keep his temper under control. For a few weeks now there's been this rumour that Luke's gay and as you can see, people use it against him when they get in a fight, how lovely.

"Fuck you Ross!" He yelled, his dark blue eyes holding his temper and his shaggy brown hair combed back.

"What's wrong cock sucker?" Ross flicked his finger against Luke's fringe and that's when he lost it. Luke charged forwards landing a punch on Ross's jaw but before Ross could get one in Troy, Big T, Andy and Bill where on their feet pulling them apart and holding them back.

"Hold it together you bunch of lady scum!" The coach rose from the front seat and walked towards us, he was in his red tracksuit and his bold head was shimmering against the sunlight. The only other teacher we had was Miss Shear and to tell you the truth she was one of those caring but you can get away with anything type of teachers.

Let's just say, teachers are always too late.

"If you make come down here one more time I'll whip you're asses so hard you'll never play football again you hear me dick head's!?! And that goes for anyone else who wants to cause trouble." Once the coach was finished pocking both of them in the chest he snorted and made his way back to the front to continue his flirting with Miss Shear and Daisy. I shuddered at the thought of Miss Shear and the coach getting....dirty.

Something that NO ONE wants to visualise! Trust me I know!

Ross slapped Troy's hand off his shoulder and giving Luke a dirty look he walked towards the front to take Troy's place. Luke just sat back where he was and I got up walking towards the back even though it meant that I would be closer to Derry. I felt his eyes on me and Mary's as I walked closer to the back until I sat next to Luke.

His back was to the window with his feet up on the chair and his legs spread apart with his head hung low and his hand collapsed together as he tried to get his temper under control.

"Hey," I said slapping his legs down to the floor so I could sit.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Not much but thanks for the entertaining show, we needed something to lighten up the mood." Luke allowed a small chuckle to escape his lips before turning to look at me and starting up a conversation which was way better then talking to myself.

Why is high school the worse place for rumours to start? I don't think I'll ever understand that.

"Can I ask you something?" Luke's voice changed from joking around to a serious tone which sent shivers down my spine. I nodded weakly before shifting over so that I was facing him and my shoulder was against the seat and my leg crossed under my other one. Luke turned his voice down into a whisper and leaned closer in, "Before when we stopped...I felt like....someone was...."

"Watching us?" I finished his sentence and a small smile whipped onto his lips before he leaned out and straightened his pose.

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"I felt it too! But I saw something too...it was like..." As soon as I started I was cut off with falling back onto the floor and screaming out along with everyone else as the bus swerved. I fell onto my back but just as I hit the floor, someone else fell onto my leg and Luke went flying lading on top of me.

"Shit!" I gripped onto the seat's leg trying to keep from being thrown from side to side of the bus as Daisy cursed again trying to get control of the bus. I felt Luke's hand leave my waist and soon I felt half of his weight being pulled off me, when I looked up he was holding himself up trying not to squash me but that didn't last long due to the bus coming to a sudden halt causing him to lose balance and collapse on top of me.

I heard him groan in my ear as he managed to pull himself off me.

"Is everyone ok?!" Miss Shear yelled panicked looking around at the few kids who where sprawled out on the floor. Luke held out his hand to me and I took it just as Frank got off my leg. We all weakly said yes and like that we were sitting back down on our seats as the coach stayed in the bus telling us to stay where we were and not panic as they went to check out the damage.

"What the fuck happened?" Troy grunted out whilst rubbing his hand against his other arm which I'm assuming he landed on.

"I dunno but whatever it was, I don't think we'll be getting back home at five in the morning tomorrow." Luke added getting up and walking towards the right side where Daisy was standing with her back to us and Miss Shear and the coach examining whatever she had in her hand.

A few minutes late they came back in the bus and alerted us on the news which made my heart beat against my chest with fear and my mind to go crazy with what could have happened...or what could happen.

"The tier at the front and the back has been....destroyed and we don't have another tier for the back since we only carry one...and the signal around here isn't strong. "

"So what does that mean?" Cindy asked with a hint of fear at the end of her words as she stood up.

"It means pretty face that we're stuck out here until we can get help."


Ok so from now on the story starts to pick up, I'll email part three to sara whos got control of my acount right now BUT shell only upload it if u COMMENT AND VOTE 4 THE NEXT PART!!! I hope u enjoy this and this is my first atempt at writting fantsy so bare with me! ANyway yeah, bye!

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