Unhealthy Romance, Part 9

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Part 9

I stayed like this, in Miss Shears arms as she craddled me, her hands stroking my hair back from my eyes as I held onto her as if she were mother. Maybe it was the way she made me feel safe whenever she was near or the way she felf perfect whenever she was there for me but nothing in me didn't click when I thought of her as a teacher.

My whole body felt like it'd been tossed down a river and beaten over and over again, my lungs still burned and my throat was a reck. My shirt was blood stained, my jeans dirty from mud and blood and ripped and my face was almost matched my shirt.

And then-


Everyone in the room jumped, most taking steps back, Miss Shears hands were curled around my shoulders pulling me with her as we stared at the door.

"Open the fucking door!" My hear suddenly leapt in my chest and pulled out from Miss Shears arms over to the door.

"Luke?" I whispered but didn't bother with response as I tugged at the locks and with all my strength, pushed the door wide open.

There he was, standing, tired eyes and a bruise circling his neck, his lips twitching into a small weak smile as he stepped in, along with three others, others that had come back for us.

Andy, Cindy and Mary.

I walked backwards staring into his eyes as he walked forwards be coming to a stop the same time he did and even though everything around me blacked out for a second I could still hear the door closing and the locks turning.

"Cindy!" Liam was up on his feet running towards her and the sound of their lips hitting eachother filled the room along with Mary breathing out Derrys name and running into his arms, Anday greeted his mates and then without a word Luke's hands grabbed my waist and pulled me to him as he held me and I hugged him back, clossing my eyes as I dug my face into his shoulder.

"Don't do that again." I whispered but I couldn't help feel like, I loved him but only as a friend and that feeling was terriable when they felt it but in a different way.

"Hey, l'm here ain't I?" He asked smiling as we pulled away and his thumb brushed my cheek.

"Yeah, but next time it might be-" He cut me off, his thumb grazing my bottom lip.

"Next time hasn't come just yet," He whispered back leaning down to my lips and as much as my heart told me to pull away I just stood there watching as his lips inched nearer the only thing to stop what was about to happen was the sudden slam of a door next to us.

We pulled apart, and Luke walked over to Troy and Big T and it felt as though the room were alive again, the whole place together.

I scanned the room trying to find who the noise came from and I when I did, I followed into the only left room in the small factory. I pushed against the door, walking in and then closing it behind me to find Derry, his back to me and his arms crossed over his chest as he stared out the barred windows.

"Why are you doing that?" He asked or more like barked at me.

"Doing what?" I muttered confused as I walked a little closer to see spin around, his eyes narrowed at me and his fists clenched.

"Why are you with him when you don't want him!" my hear stopped, how could he know that? How could he know that I don't want Luke? And why the hell was he so mad about it?!

"Pardon? How on earth do you know what or who I want?! You're the one who disapread off the face of the earth and then suddenly showed up like nothing happened and then decided to ignore me! Did you forget that Derry? So you have no right to say you know anything about me or what I want!"

Unhealthy RomanceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon