Unhealthy Romance, Part 4

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IMPORTANT!!! Slide show of pics of the characters!!!!

Part Four

Finally it hit dark and Daisy walked in standing in front of us with her arms folded and a confused expression written over her face as Miss Shear sat down with her back to us as she sighed, the coach seemed to be in his own little world just staring out at the window on the double doors.

"Right here are the rules! One, you don't NOT go out at dark unless I tell you too! Two, you are always in a group of two or more unless somehow you've been forcefully spelt up! Third, if you see or hear anything do not be as stupid as those people in horror movies that go and investigate just tell one of us! Fourth, for the love of god don't scare yourselves shitless."

"Why? Are we in danger? I mean all those rules you just past seem like we're in shit." Liam added whilst tilting his head to the side and using a sarcastic voice.

"We're stranded, what the hell do you except rule's to be like?! Now you get to big headed you can sleep outside understand?" Liam nodded before going quiet and wrapping his arm around Cindy pulling her into his chest. "Good, now get some rest."

As much as they tried to make us feel better, to try and make it seem like everything was normal and that what happened before was nothing to be afraid of, we could still see the fear in their eyes, the way they hid their hands so we wouldn't see them shake, the way a bead of sweat broke lose above their eyes and the way their voices would quiver whenever they allowed a minute to talk about it.

Miss Shear reached into her pocket and pulled out a key before locking the entrance door and telling us to close to windows and lock them...but I couldn't move my eyes as they stayed glued to the window as my brain did flips of scenes which could have happened to whoever's hand that was.

"Hey, you should try and sleep." My head snapped from the swaying crops caused by the wind and the shivers in my spine to be faced with Luke as he finished closing my window and sat next to me. His blue eyes holding concern for me made me smile weakly at him, no one really had ever shown me they cared...he was the first one since...since Derry. It's sad I know but I guess its life for girl's like me.

"Thanks...but I don't think that's in the question." I said giving a small but ironic laugh at the end before the weak smile on my face faded and I was looking back out the window. Luke moved his arm to my back rubbing smooth circles and bringing warming goose bumps to run around my body. "Shouldn't we panicking? I mean...there was a human hand stuck in the tier!"

"Look that could have been from ages ago! I mean it explained the fact that it looked discoloured."

"Sure but...why did it just...appear!?! And that freaky feeling of being watched!"

"The more we think about it the more it's gonna freak us out. Come on just, just try and get some rest." Before I could argue further more with him I was being pulled into his chest. Luke rested his right foot against the back of the seat in front of us and kept his left leg down as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me in. I pulled my knees up so that they were resting against his right leg and my upper body was pulled to him, my hands resting on his chest as well as my head.

I couldn't help but look straight forwards up the bus. We were the only ones at the back row with Luke sat half in the middle and half covered by the first seat. The left side of the back row was completely empty and for some reason that scared me a tad bit more. I looked towards Clair to see her long dark brown curled hair being pushed back by Jory as he held her closer to him; she was shaking from what I could tell at the back. Cindy was still being held by Liam at the front, Troy was in front of us with the back of his head against the window and Big T sitting normally next to him.

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