Arc 6: Omega Supreme

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The Decepticons finally got to the entrance of the city and as they stopped dead in their tracks they transformed back into their robot modes and they found the same energy signatures from the recording data from Lazer-Beek.

Sound-wave: mass energy detected, coming from below the crust.

Megatron: excellent work Sound-wave, it seems like we have found the ancient raw energy that came from our home world Cybertron  .

Star-scream: You are saying raw energy is here but no one was able to harness the power of raw energy before since the Golden age!

Megatron then proceeds to strangle him and then threw him to the ground.

Megatron: watch me obtain it Star-scream, as I obtain you!

Star-scream: one of these days Megatron.

Megatron: Blitzwing, tell the Constructacons to start digging.

Blitzwing: as you requested lord Megatron.

Blitzwing proceeds to call the Constructacons to begin their operation.

Mean while back with Sora and Optimus prime, they went to a forest which revealed a cliff and Optimus prime transformed back into his robot mode.

Sora: why are we here?

Optimus prime: we are here because an old friend is some where in this area, Omega Supreme it's me prime Omega Supreme!

Then they heard stomping and rumbling coming from all directions but mostly from behind and they saw a giant Robot with the Autobot symbol.

Sora: who is that!?

Optimus prime: Sora, this is Omega Supreme the Autobot that can fly in space.

Omega Supreme: your voice heard .

Sora was shocked and amazed of witnessing the site of Omega Supreme and being the biggest Autobot in the world but he felt something was wrong with him like he has no emotion like the other Autobots do but he feels like he wants to find out why he acts like a heartless and cold machine.

Sora: hey Optimus, why do I get this feeling that Omega sounds a little bit too computer or robot like?

Optimus prime: your question is as good as mine, I too want to find out.

Omega Supreme: greetings human I am Omega Supreme.

Sora: nice to meet you too Omega and I'm Sora!

Omega Supreme: Compliment  Appreciated.

Just as they were going to furthermore to the point of starting a conversation the Heartless was seen passing by and holding onto insectoid like robots.

Sora: it's the Heartless but they seemed to be assisting giant insectoid like transformers.

Optimus prime: Insectacons, if they're here then it's because they are probably hungry for anything edible or Megatron is up to no good.

The Insectacons such as Bombshell, Kickback and shrapnel has the Heartless boarding on them while carrying supplies to the Constructacons.

Optimus prime: let's hear what their saying.

Blaster comes out of hiding from Optimus and begins to record everything for what the Decepticons and insecticons are up to.

Bombshell: hurry insectacons , Megatron demands these supplies for the big operation!

Kickback: why does he need us to the dirty work can't astro-train get this himself?

Shrapnel: Megatron's seekers are so lazy lazy.

Bombshell: less talking more delivering to the Constructacons!

Shrapnel: yes we will Bombshell Bombshell.

The recording ends and the good news is now they know what are they planning but the bad news is Omega Supreme looks like he has a score to settle.

Sora: what is up with Omega?

Omega Supreme: Constructacons Constructacons enemies must die!

Optimus prime: Omega, this is a military operation not a vendetta!

Sora: wait Omega what happened between you and the Constructacons?

Omega Supreme: answer is classified.

They know that the guardian is hiding something that he is not telling them and sora got a little concerned for him and he wants to find out the truth.

Sora: hey come on Omega Supreme, at least tell us.

Omega Supreme: very well.

Optimus prime: can you also please talk like a normal Autobot?

Omega Supreme: very well I'll talk just like how I did back on Cybertron.

Flashback to millions of years ago in the Golden age of Cybertron, Omega Supreme revealed to Optimus prime and sora that he was one of the guardian robots on Cybertron who joined the Autobots and his purpose: was to protect  Crystal-city the most beautiful city in Cybertron built by the Constructacons and before they were enemies they were friends.

Scrapper: Omega Supreme it's good to see you!

Omega Supreme: it's been a long time guys what brings you here to Crystal-city?

Hook: maintenance just maintenance that's all.

Omega Supreme: then I should not keep you guys waiting.

Scrapper: nonsense we haven't talked in a long time we want to hear how you're doing old friend.

Omega Supreme explains that he was friends with the Constructacons before Megatron brainwashed and reprogrammed their circuits by using the robo-smasher to make them fallow his every command and they destroyed Crystal-city and try to do the same for Omega Supreme but the plan failed.

Present day

After hearing the story about Omega Supreme, sora felt sorry for him since he felt so betrayed and turned on by his former friends but he wasn't going to stand by and let this happen again so they are getting ready while Omega Supreme transformed into rocket mode.

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