Chapter 10

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A/N - Nyx's outfit up top ^

Nyx's POV:

The next day I was sat in the chemistry lab taking a test alongside the rest of my peers. I was answering quite a difficult question when I heard rustling as if someone was looking through their bag, so obviously I looked up. Upon looking up I spotted the culprit, Evie was rummaging around, quite loudly may I add, in her bag looking for something. It looked as if she couldn't find whatever she was looking for because her face became a bit worried and panicked looking.

"Looking for something?" Mr Delay spoke up, startling me slightly. "Thank you, Chad. It's gratifying to see someone still respects the honor code. It will be my recommendation that you are expelled."

"Mr. Deley, I..." Evie Started.

"But that isn't fair. Obviously she wasn't cheating since she didn't have that... Whatever it is," Doug stuck up for the blue haired princess.

"It's called a magic mir..." Evie mumbled.

"You're not helping. Stop. Maybe she needed another pencil," I spoke up from my seat looking at Mr Delay with challenging eyes.

"Actually, I was..." Evie started yet again.

"Really, don't help. Please," Doug pleaded.

"Please," Evie had this almost defeated look on her face.

"Well, If you can pass this test, I'll return your property and let the matter drop," Mr Delay spoke before he walked back to the front of the class.

With that over and done with I returned to my test, which upon rereading I noticed where I went wrong and quickly changed my answer.

I didn't take me long to finish my test after that was done with. I was quite good when it comes to academics, so this was a piece of cake. Looking over at the person sitting next to me I noticed that she was also done and was mindlessly doodling on a random piece of paper.

It wasn't hard to tell who it was from the long, wavy, black hair that reached her waist. Her hypnotic green eyes framed by a pair of glasses which sat upon her nose perfectly. The golden gauntlets a symbol of the genies, clasped around her wrists. The golden headpiece that sat upon her head. Put all of this together with a blue outfit and you get Gigi, daughter of the genie, my best friend.

Upon looking over at me she noticed I was staring and winked at me her hypnotic, mysterious, green eyes pulling me in. Dragging me down without me even realising. If there's one thing I know about my best friend is that she is such a flirt.

432 words
A/N - I know it's short but it's all I've got right now.. well see ya later ❤️✌️

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