Chapter Six..... De. Ni. Al is not a river in Africa?

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A pic of Emma Stone the other version of Rhysa Perkins!

I am switching the story from third to first person so there will be instances of the two points of view.  

An hour later I emerged from the bathroom and quickly scoured my place. Chris had indeed left. I bolted my front door and prayed I would have no visitors this morning. I was even pleased that the Kaddocks were out of town because I would have had a whole lot of explaining to do if they weren't. My mind was a mess, but my apartment wasn't since Chris had fixed the sofa and placed my clothes on the bed. I didn't even want to touch the sofa.

The sight of it made my blood simmer all over. No I chided myself..... one deviation was enough. I would not allow myself to be swept up by the still raw emotion that swirled in my stomach. I would clean today. Clean to wipe away the memories and to think of my next strategy. How was I ever going to face that man again knowing how we had so completely enjoyed making love? Hey what was I thinking? I had to regain control.

I started with the living area. I was hoovering and dusting but everytime I glanced at the sofa my blood sizzled. I had had enough maybe I needed to change my furniture especially that sofa. I had had it for some five years now. I took my iPad and started to leaf through an online furniture store magazine and found a set that would match my living area perfectly. I ordered it and hoped that their same day delivery promise was a surety. I put on my favourite CD of Faith Hill and started to vacuum the rug. It turned out to be another big mistake as the slow love melody of "This kiss" was a haunting reminder of Chris.

I switched it off and turned my stereo to a pop station, I was jiving to the music until the vacuum cleaner started to sputter. I searched the floor for the obstructions and found three shirt buttons. I was a classic fool. The guy had played me like violin. He had ribbed me all evening, gate crashed my sister's party, lied to get into my apartment and worse of all seduced my tired defences. He was smooth all right, smooth in getting me into his web, what must he think of me now? Knowing him he would not let this rest, men like him believed they could have any woman when they wanted, I had to resist him, he was not going to mess with me again.

By two o'clock in the afternoon, I had straightened my apartment and was making my way to my parents' home to help them clean up after the party.

As I turned the street corner, a car had pulled up into my driveway. I was oblivious to the fact that the sole occupant of the vehicle had pounded for nearly ten minutes on my front and back door. He had finally slipped notes under the door and into my mailbox. The flowers he carried were placed defeatingly in front of my entrance way. He had gotten back into his car promising to return later.

My parents had hired a family cleaning crew who had basically spruced up the place very quickly. A lot of cleaning had been done earlier that morning so very little had been left to do. The graces of having a large family had shone off today. My sister and I were seated on the patio lounges sipping pink lemonade.

"I had a blast last night........" My sister commented "It feels really great to be 21. All the privileges and all." We laughed both knowing that my sister had had "privileges" since she was 16.

"It was a great shindig, mom really pulled off another winner." I added soaking up the gentle and relaxed atmosphere.

"Speaking of winners, what ever happened to that tall hunk with the blue eyes who escorted you last night?" I averted from my sister's peering eyes.

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