The Keepers of Fairy Glitter

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A/N: You guys are going to hate me for this. With that said, enjoy! (MUWAHAHAHAHA)


The Keepers of Fairy Glitter

Italy, 1995

The streets of Venice were beautiful and ancient. Today was the last day of the summer festival as Eriol Hiiragizawa walked down the pathway of the Wizarding bargain markets. The leaves from the tress have already started falling onto the ground and the roofs of the bargain shops. One shop in particular caught his eye. It wasn't bright or flashy like the others but it rather had it's own charm. Humble and quaint. Walking down towards it, he saw that there was something strange about the shop.

"Benvenuto!" said the salesperson in a thick Italian accent. "Look around and see what will suit you! I make very cheap bargains so do choose what you want!"

As Eriol looked at the items in the shop, a voice said behind him, "Eriol! There you are."

Kaho Mizuki with her red hair stood behind him with coffee. She walked up to him with a smile on her face. "You're still looking quite young. You could pass for a sixteen year old."

"Maybe," chuckled Eriol, taking the coffee from his twenty-nine year old girlfriend. "But that could be because of the age-halting spell that disappeared when Sakura became the new Master of the Clow Cards."

"Hm." Kaho suddenly became thoughtful. "Do you think that there's a way that you can return your body to your current age?"

Eriol didn't answer. One of the main reasons why he was here to begin with was to find a potion that will return him to his real age. He has been looking for one for nearly five years, since Sakura Kinomoto turned all of the Clow Cards into Sakura Cards. But none ever truly did deliver the promised result. Well, not in Britain anyway. He could pull some strings at Hogwarts considering that he knows Albus Dumbledore, but Subha Patel and Ginny Weasley will find out in an instant from none other than Harry Potter. He turned towards the stall again, deciding that this one time, he will turn to a chance of luck. As he decided this however, the rim of his round glasses caught something that was vaguely familiar. He didn't remember seeing it from his current life but rather from his past Clow Reed. He turned to the object, which was a golden stamp seal.

He picked it up and turned it over, feeling a sudden rush of memories as Clow. One of the most prominent ones involved Jodha Randall...with her Fairy Tail guild mark. Finally flipping to the bottom of the stamp, his suspicions were confirmed. He was holding the Fairy Tail stamp marker. New guild members used to go to the master to get the peculiar mark of a fairy with a tail on whichever part of their body they chose, defining their membership of the guild.

"That will be five euros, signore," said the salesperson, calling Eriol back to reality. Looking back at him, Eriol replied firmly and politely, "I'll take the price."

He gave the salesperson the amount and in return, he got the stamp carefully wrapped in a paper bag. A few hours later, he and Kaho sat in silence at a cafe, with the stamp standing in the middle of the table.

"So you never did find a potion, did you?" asked Kaho, breaking the silence.

"No." Eriol rested his elbows on the table, deep in thought. "But I have a feeling that this is more important than finding the potion."

"Right you are, Hiiragizawa," said a soft and gentle voice. The both of them glanced to the right, and there stood a girl barefoot in a frilly pink layered robe. A red ribbon was tied around her neck with a triangle pattern outlined in hot pink and green across her chest as her blond wavy hair reached her feet with a single lock of hair pointed upward. She stared at them, her green eyes showing the definition of serious. Eriol immediately recognized who it was.

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