Back in Townsville: Part 1 (Powerpuff Girls)

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A/N: One thing that you should note immediately: I'm not going to be using the show's design and personalities of the Girls' teenage versions. That also goes for the Boys as well. I seriously hate those designs, especially with their make up, super cliched personalities and everything.

Also, I'm splitting this one shot into three parts, so that part 1 will be the Girls' POV in their visit back to Townsville, part two will be the Boys' POV and part 3 will include all of them because I'm holding part 3 for an epic mini battle.

So that's it. Enjoy this three part-er!


Back in Townsville: Part 1

The city of Townsville. A quiet city, with no amount of crime surprisingly taking ahold of it. The citizens tearfully gave their goodbyes to Townsville' beloved super heroes, The Powerfuff Girls, when they left for boarding school at Great Britain 6 years ago. it's close to winter break, where every kid is getting ready for Christmas. And guess who's coming back for a visit?!

------------ At the Townsville Airport

Blossom's POV


I sighed as I saw Buttercup pull a mini dance routine. I swear to God, she's not normal, even by wizarding standards.

"Buttercup, you're going to attract a crowd," said Bubbles as she followed me and Buttercup to the Luggage pickup.

"Come on, the both of you!" Buttercup stopped dancing as she cried out, "Aren't you the least bit excited that you're back at your hometown after two years of staying in Britain during the holidays? Americano comprendo anybody?"

I was shocked at her accusing stare. "Why would you think I'm not happy, Buttercup?! Of course I am. But with You-Know-Who coming back, everybody's lives in danger because of it and the Professor begging us to visit this Christmas, presents is the last thing on my mind..." I paused as I thought about my little predicament of me realizing my feelings for Brick six months ago and thought I'd rather die than let Buttercup know about it. Bubbles and Boomer already see right through me as is.

"And we're trying to get home without anybody crowding us," added Bubbles. "Don't get me wrong, I love Townsville and it's people, but I was enjoying the attention that we were getting back at Hogwarts, which was none. Although...I really do feel sorry for Harry..."

I nodded in agreement. Bubbles then put on a curious look as her blue eyes wandered the airport. "Hey, where are the Boys? I thought that they were with us just now."

Buttercup and I looked around, the Rowdyruff Boys nowhere to be seen.

"Yeah," Buttercup agreed as I got my trunk, "Where are th-"

"We didn't abandon you three, just in case you're wondering," said a voice, which I recognized as Butch. "Our trunks were just on the other side of the airport."

"By the way, the Professor just called me," said Boomer, taking out his cell. "He's wondering what's taking us so long."

Bubbles smacked her forehead as me and Buttercup groaned. Back home for barely five minutes and the Professor was already plotting to embarrass us.

"Boomer, oh dear god, I'm so sorry," Bubbles tried to apologize but he simply put up his hand and shrugged.

"Don't worry about it. I said that we're on our way."

I sighed in relief. "Boomer, you're a life save-" My phone interrupted my appreciation. I picked up the phone and answered it. "Hello?"

"Yes. Blossom. I do hope that you and your sisters aren't doing anything that would make me want to destroy you," a familiar voice with a Japanese accent replied back. It's official. The world at the moment, was against us.

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