Jodha's Stars (Fairy Tail/How To Train Your Dragon)

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A/N: It's mainly Fairy Tail but honestly, I have elements of HTTYD as well XD. 

Also um....slight spoilers from both fandoms are in this one shot. So if you're caught up on the FT manga (especially chapter 415) and the HTTYD movies, you'll realize the feels that's about to resurface with this.

Dedication goes to historylover18! She's a really good author!

The song for this one shot: "Eternal Eclair" By Yasuharu Takanashi (Fairy Tail Movie: Phoenix Priestess)


Jodha's Stars

The autumn leaves flew in the sky as the chilling temperatures of November started to drop to zero. The trees were already barren within the streets of Magnolia. Natsu's mouth curled into a smile as his five year old goddaughter Meena ran around the guild entrance with a ten year old Asuka, laughing as they both fell into a pile of already raked leaves; then they stood up and started chasing each other again. Natsu had Meena bundled up in a slightly puffy blue jacket due to how cold the temperatures have gotten. It was weird for November weather, but it didn't surprise him. Lucy had scolded him for the jacket choice, saying that Meena wouldn't be able to run around as much and Happy (unsurprisingly) had laughed at him but the last thing Natsu wanted was for Meena to get sick. In his opinion, he pretty much had prevented that from happening and Meena seemed to move around pretty easily. He started to wonder whether the scarf was too much. Then again, Meena had grabbed it out of his neck from time to time when she was two, so he guessed that she really didn't care much.

Meena stopped running and turned around as she waved at Natsu, her eyes shining bright green. He waved back as she came running towards him.

"Dad, aren't you cold?" Meena asked as she neared him. Natsu kneeled down to her height and rubbed her covered head.

"Nah, I'm fine," he replied as a sudden shiver went through his body. It felt strange to not have that warmth he had when Igneel was inside him. The scarf he had put around Meena's neck was the only thing left he had of him. Meena, however, scrutinized him even further before taking off the scale patterned scarf and throwing it around Natsu's neck. "Why...?"

"Weren't you shivering just now?" said Meena. "You always look happier with it on."

Natsu pouted. "But you don't have anything to cover your neck from freezing up."

"Dad!" Her eyes widened with her eyebrows scrunched up in annoyance. She clenched her fists and brought them up to her chest. "If it's important to you, then you should wear it!"

"Natsu, she's not going to die of hypothermia if she doesn't wear a scarf," said Asuka as she knocked him on the top of his head. Natsu winced in pain as she added, "Stop being an overprotective idiot."

"Does Mira have hot chocolate inside?" Meena shivered as she rubbed her own shoulders.

"Yeah, I think it's about time you got inside anyway." Natsu took Meena's hand and walked into the guild. The place was going at it's normal pace, with Juvia fawning over Gray, Cana getting slowly drunk with Wakaba and Macao, Happy trying to get Carla's attention and Mira handing out warm drinks to everybody.

"Oi, Meena!" Lisanna cried out when she saw them. "Lucy and I saved some hot chocolate for you. Asuka, get yours as well!"

"YAY!" Meena squealed in excitement along with Asuka and pulled her hand out of Natsu's grip as they both ran over to where Lisanna and Lucy were sitting. Walking over to them as the kids started drinking their hot chocolate, his stomach couldn't help but squirm a tiny bit as he neared Lucy. He plopped down on a chair beside Meena and asked Mira for one as well.

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