Back in Townsville: Part 3 (Powerpuff Girls)

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A/N: So I finally manage to finish this 3 part one shot. *pwhew!* If no one gets the references to the PPG Christmas special, where is your life? XD (Seriously though, if you haven't seen it, check it out.) And I'm sorry if this isn't as epic. I ran outta time.



Back in Townsville: Part 3

Blossom's POV

"Well then. This is not what I expected to get into when I agreed to come back to Townsville."

As I said this, the huge pot of molten lava Brick and I were hanging over bubbled madly. I didn't mention the fact that we were alone, with no Princess in sight. We very well heard the voice mail she left for Bubbles, Boomer, Buttercup and Butch so I knew that they'll be here anytime soon. Being tied up back to back with Brick reminded me of watching Roger Rabbit and his wife Jessica during the climax of Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

"How do you think Robin's holding up?" asked Brick.

"How the hell should I know?!" I cried out. "Besides, Robin's probably making the best of the situation."

"Or maybe Princess turned into a sadist."

"Oh shut up."

We laughed, the tension dropping slightly. I suddenly realized that this was the first time I actually had a normal conversation with him since we gotten back in Townsville. It felt....nice.

"None of us signed up for this bull crap," muttered Brick. " least we can talk for a little bit before everybody else gets here."

I held my breath for a bit before exhaling again. I know that I promised myself that I would tell him how I really felt. But from the minute we got back, I have been avoiding him like the plague. When I saw him with Robin earlier today, I was shocked that he and the Boys have actually meet her before and I kinda also felt....jealous. Those two have nothing going on but at that point, I realized that I really did have it bad.

Robin went a little farther so that we could talk but Princess Morbucks came in with her gear, blamed Robin for Brick breaking up with her (which was true, but Princess deserved it) grabbed her and held her hostage as she flew back to her mansion. We followed her and we also would have gotten through her stupid death traps if Princess hadn't cheated and activated the boiling pot of lava, therefore landing me and Brick in our current state. (Don't ask. She's rich and can get whatever the hell she wanted, even if it meant getting lava from a dormant volcano. This pretty much sums up why we all hate her.)

I tried to wiggle out a little but the ropes too were too tight. I sighed. I honestly would have confessed right there and then. But after a few more minutes of silence, I realized that neither of us are the sentimental types. Either way, with me, logic wins over impulsive action and Brick is the exact opposite. I was never going to tell Brick the traditional way because my brain and heart were just way too analytical. It's been that way since we were protecting Townsville, it's been there ever since we joined Hogwarts, and ever since the day we were born.

If we weren't tied up, I swear to God, whatever he was going to say right then, I would have stopped him in way that was obvious that I felt the same way. But rather, I had the option of grabbing his hand to shut him up. Well, if I was going to die here, I might as well with no regrets.

Blushing madly as I bit my lip, that's exactly what I did. Gripping mine, he asked in surprise with a twinge of happiness in his voice, "Seriously?"

"Yeah. Don't make me say it out loud when we get out of these stupid ropes."

He chuckled. "Oh, I make no promises."

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