Back in Townsville: Part 2 (Powerpuff Girls)

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A/N: Well hello, peeps! (Yeah, cheesy, I know.) Anyway, like I said before, part 2 is the Boys' POV. You won't believe what happens at the end. MUWAHAHAHAHA!

Anyway, enjoy!!!


Back in Townsville: Part 2

Brick's POV

You know, there was once a cool, awesome but selfish jerk that used to be called my personality. And while I don't wish for that back, I do wish that I can get rid of the mood that I'm currently in. It's been around seven days after we arrived in Townsville and Blossom still hasn't talked to me. At the airport, it sounded like she was going to tell me something but Butch just had to interrupt.

According to Boomer, things are not looking good at the Powerpuff household. Bubbles and the Professor got into a huge argument about going back to Hogwarts and now they're not even speaking to each other. Buttercup asked Boomer to talk some sense into his girlfriend but he said that he's trying everything that he could without her getting mad at him. She then told us that Blossom wanted to solve this by Christmas but I kinda had the same opinion as Buttercup did: Things were going to get ugly.

I sighed as I got up from the couch to reread The Daily Prophet. only seemed like a year ago when nobody believed Harry when he said that Voldemort was back. Hell, that was a year back. Now the Ministry is practically trying to make him their poster boy. It's sickening. As I was reading the paper, Mojo came in the living room with a huge ray gun.

"Mojo," I asked curiously, "what the hell are you doing?"

Mojo jumped and then tripped on the tripod of the ray gun. He groaned in pain as he got up and faced me. Arms crossed, I started glaring at him suspiciously. "What do you have there, Mojo?"

"That's none of your business," he replied quickly. "Go--go do your homework!"

Glowering at him, I countered, "I'm not a three year old Mojo." I pointed at the ray. "What does the ray do?"

Mojo started to sweat like crazy. "'s....uh...."

"It's a memory ray gun," said Butch, who came into the living room wearing a jacket and gloves, ready to go out. "He intends to use it on Bubbles and the Professor so everything can be solved by Christmas like Blossom wanted."

Mojo sent death stares at Butch as my slack-jawed face went back and forth between them like a tennis match. They weren't serious, were they? First off, Boomer would murder them. Bubbles getting her memory wiped clean is the last thing that he wants. Second, I highly doubted that Blossom would approve of this.

" both know that's like, the last thing Boomer wants, right?!"

"Oh, I know alright," said Butch, "But I'm not sure if Buttercup and Mojo are on the same page."

"You guys have officially gone crazy," I scowled.

"You're the one to talk, lover boy," Butch retorted sarcastically.

I ignored his jab as I shot back furiously, "Even you know that wiping their memories won't solve anything, ya idiot! It'll only delay the bloody situation!"

"Since when did you get logical, Brick?!"

"FINE!" Mojo suddenly bellowed, making me and Butch jump into the air screaming our lungs out.

"Mojo, what the hell was that for?!" shouted Butch.

Mojo raised his hands, signaling truce. "Fine. I won't used the machine. However, if Buttercup still wants me to use it, I'll have no choice."

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