The Joke's on Us (FT/HP/SLOD/CCS)

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The Joke's on Us

Ron's POV

The number of times I wanted to chase Subha and Hermione around the S.S Tipton with a frying pan is immeasurable. 

Ha. So first, they keep the portal about Fairy Tail a secret for years. Then, I find out that Subha found those Celestial Spirit keys the year we formed the bloody DA. Now, apparently, Subha can use those keys, temporarily repair, summon and talk to one, if only for a few minutes. Like seriously, how is it that my own girlfriend is the only person to even know about anything that happens in Subha's life at this point?! And my own sister is her bloody best friend! As if my life with those two and Harry wasn't crazy enough already!

Well, too bad, Hermione, I thought as I marched over to Cody and Woody's cabin. I saw everything and heard just enough to draw my own conclusions. You two are screwed a million times over. 

I rapped on the door. "Oi, Cody! We need to talk, now!"

"Ron, are you serious?!" Cody's muffled voice came out from the room. "We're a little busy right now!"

I sighed and took out my wand. I pointed it at the lock. "Alohamora."

A small click went off, signaling that the door was unlocked. I opened it and before me unfolded the weirdest shit that I have see since I got onto this ship. I found Cody and Woody in a muggle's janitor uniform, a vacuum machine with flexible tubes lying on the carpeted floor and blueprints all over the study desks.

"What the bloody hell is going on here?!" I said as I quickly stashed away my wand before Woody saw it.

"We're trying to catch a ghost!" Woody said cheerfully. "You see, Zack found this ghost and-"

Cody coughed loudly, enough to have the black curly haired and plump idiot stop talking. "I-It's a lot more to it than you think," Cody said with a nervous laugh.

I raised my eyebrow at him. "Really? You're going to try to catch a ghost? With...these?" I picked up one of the tubes that was lying on the ground and glanced back at them. "Do you have any idea how barmy you sound?!"

"Yeah, I'm well aware of how insane we sound."

" know what, whatever." I put up my hands in truce. "We've more important matters to talk about." I snapped my fingers and pointed at Woody. "You. Out. Now."

"Hurtful!" Woody said, dramatically clenching his shirt.

At this point I was getting really irritated. "Oh please, I'm not in the mood to deal with dramatics. This has nothing to do with you."

"Alright, gezz," Woody muttered as he passed by me to get to the door. "Someone's in a bad mood."

The minute the door slammed behind me, I started talking. "Apparently, Subha can now use Celestial magic."

Cody looked up at me and arched an eyebrow. "Um...say what now?"

"Maybe you didn't hear me the first time," I said loudly. "SUBHA CAN USE-"

"I heard you the first time, calm down," said Cody. "First off, how did you find out? And second, why aren't you telling Harry this?"

"Because Harry was dragged into the city by Hermione and Bailey. As for how I found out..."

I told him what I saw, from Subha examining a Celestial Spirit Key to actually summoning and talking to Aquarius.

"And don't you think," I continued, "that it's weird in the slightest that with Subha and Hermione knowing about the Fairy Tail guild members on a more personal level than you you'd expect, Subha is handling Celestial magic?"

Mysterious Fates One Shots (1st Place in the FT Wattys 2015 for Best One Shot!)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin