Chapter Three - A Trustful Defense

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A sleek, black Mercedes sat perched on the edge of the curb in front of the apartment building. The fog from the day before had lifted, letting the morning sun shine brightly. Reflections from the building were cast onto the office building opposite, a range from red to blues.

Cameron smiled at the sight, her thin leggings and shirt keeping her cool against the heat of the summer sun. She checked the road before jumping into the passenger seat of the car, the leather seats an unfortunate annoyance in the heat.

"Morning." Cameron greeted, placing her bag on the floor by her feet, before tugging the seat belt over her shoulder and clipping it in.

Reid sat in the driving seat, shoulder length, onyx hair tied back in a bun, letting his single golden stud earring be on full display. He nodded his own greeting, his usual silence a comfort for Cameron.

After leaving the warehouse, everyone moved into different buildings. Cameron found it stressful at first, going from having all her brothers around her to just one. But after spending the first month finding a routine, she felt at ease with not seeing them everyday.

Each brother became something different to her, now that she spent time with them all separately. Lloyd was her roommate, the one who taught her how to 'code', and watch random movies they found online.

Arlo was her comfort blanket.; not that she would ever call him that to his face. His ego would grow too much. He was always a phone call away, ready to give her a hug or tell an awful joke that made her laugh because it was so bad.

Reid had become her teacher. His silence and usual one sentence answers kept her stable. He was like a rock, no emotion shown but she knew he cared deeply about each of them. He wouldn't be teaching her self defense otherwise.

"What happened to your hand?" Reid questioned, his voice hushed, but that made her listen all the more so she didn't miss anything he said. His observant eyes were staring at the appendage, as they were still parked by the curb.

Cameron shrugged. She probably should have put a bandage over it to keep it from getting dirty. It was about the length of her thumb, a thick red line across her palm.

"I accidentally cut it when cleaning up some broken glass." She uttered, not going into why the glass had been broken.

Reid hummed, pulling away from the curb and joining the morning traffic.

Reid lived with Kalmin on the outskirts of the city. They shared a fairly decent sized loft house that held an open plan bigger than her and Lloyd's apartment. The only thing that was not open plan was the bathroom.

The two bedrooms were two different separate second floors that were like indoor balconies, led by two separate staircases. The first floor was everything else. The living room, kitchen and dining room was all merged into one, but different flooring in each part showed the difference. The bathroom was down a small hallway. They had a small storage unit outside, but she didn't know what they stored in that. A garage was also attached to the side of the house, that led straight into the dining part of the first floor.

Cameron loved the architecture of their house, with a bare brick wall that spread across one side of the whole house, and the rest of the house being greyscale and furniture made of metal. She wouldn't give up her apartment for it however. It was always colder in Reid's place than hers.

"Were you fired again?" Reid asked out of the blue.

Cameron jumped at the question, then cursed herself. She was so lost in thought that Reid, her brother, had made her jump. Reid, a person she trusted with her life.

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