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I'm so excited I have been waiting for this day for so long after I was told I was allowed to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft And Wizardry I was jumping up and down like a rabbit.

My mum y/m/n always said she loved Hogwarts and that she missed it dearly but y/d/n said that he wasn't sure about me going since I could get hurt but so what, what's the worst that could happen. Right?

I mean come I have been waiting for this day, for this moment for years to come to this amazing school and now I'm finally here at Hogwarts. The best School of Witchcraft And Wizardry (in my opinion) ever to exist.

I waited and waited it felt like an eternity but then I heard it finally they had said my name "y/n y/l/n" I'm thinking to myself 'Okay this is it, this is moment.' 'l hope I'm a Hufflepuff' 'can I do this.' 'what if I mess up.'

'What if I don't get the house i want.' 'no I can do this I wont mess up' 'oh my Lord my heart is racing ' 'Hufflepuff, Hufflepuff, Hufflepuff'

Then I hear it all I can hear is my house the house I want being shouted out from the old hat "HUFFLEPUFF" ' Yay I got the house I wanted phew I was scared for a moment there oh Lord I can't believe I'm here.'

Then as I'm walking to the table I hear Professer Mcgonagall shout his name "Newt scamander!" and I think to myself that's adorable.

Then I look to the boy and think we could be good friends then I hear it "HUFFLEPUFF" oml he's in the same house as me yay. Then he sits next to me and we start to talk.

"Hi I'm Y/n Y/l/n what's your name." I asked dumbly since I already new I face palmed my forehead. Then I hear the most cutest chuckle ever.

"My name is Newt but I feel you already knew that since you face palmed your head" you chuckle at his response thinking that he was genuinely funny.

Then I started to ask him his likes and dislikes and he said "My likes are magical creatures and magic that's it I guess my dislikes are me being compared to my brother. What are yours ."

"Mine!? No one ever asked, well my likes are magical creatures, magic and dislikes always not being enough and the screwup of the family. " he gives a sympathetic look at me.

After a tear fell he wiped it away and told me "well if it's any constellation your no screw up to me." And then gives me the cutest little smile that caused me to smile.

We were shown to our dormitory and it was beautiful the beds was in a circle and rugs near some beds. I continue to think what the boys looks like but I think it would be the same.

I met up with Newt and we started our way to the hall to eat I was starving Newt was telling me about some magical creatures like the bowtruckle he even had one with him and it was adorable and I showed him my niffler.

As we were eating I glance up to Newt and he put ice cream on my nose and I say "what was that for." He just shrugged his shoulders and says " I thought it would be funny and I was right. " he chuckled.

I thought that's it got some of his ice cream first and I though 'yummy' I thought then got more and put it from his forehead to his chin he looked shocked and said "What was that for." As if he didn't know.

I mocked him "I dOnT kNoW i JuSt ThOuGht It WaS fUnNy AnD i WaS rIgHt. Also for putting ice cream on my nose so ha." He was so angry but couldn't help but laugh.

And then we both just burst out laughing Oops.

Newt scamanderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora