trying to be friends and it doesn't work

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three weeks later

This morning I woke up at 3am so I decided to magic up some water since I was really thirsty. I bumped into Newt on my way to the common room since I can't sleep "ooh hey are you...hehe" I laughed awkwardly while going to sit on the sofa

  He walked up to the sofa and sat next to me. "Hey y/n/n you know it's been three weeks since the potions class" I nodded and tried to speak "shhh let me speak first. I can't do this." My hear broke at those four words. "I can't be you friend." Nope those hurt more.

Tears swelled in my eyes "I want more y/n/n. I want you." My heart fluttered. My tears now happy tears. "I can't be your friend because I want you to be mine and only mine." He hoped I said yes.

I took a deep breath before answering and said "you k now I want to be your friend but I love you too much" his heart skipped a beat. "Yess. Yes of course I will be your girlfriend my little hippogriff." I smiled and kissed him.

Then the sock hit me and I started freaking out. "Newt, your my boyfriend" he nodded "And I'm your girlfriend"  he nodded again.  "Am I freaking out" he stood up

As he stood up he walked up to me and hugged me and said little sweet sayings to me. "Why don't we go to Lilly and tell her the great and fantastic news hmm?" I nodded

I ran to her room creeped up to her bed went to her ear and shout. "LILLY!" She was so scared she fell out of bed.

She looked so angry that her face went crimson red. "What. Do. You. Want. I'm trying to sleep." I am actually terrified at the moment.

I step back a bit and she stepped forward "I-I just wanted t-to tell you me a-and newt started dating." She stopped. Took it in for a moment. And. Squealed.

She started jumping and squealing and started questioning "I can't believe it. When. How. Who asked who. Where. Are you happy. He better treat you good. Don't hurt him. He better not hurt you." We laughed and squealed and talked about me and newt.

Newt walked in and asked if I was still alive. I said yes Lilly hugged him "I'm happy for you two congrats. I proud you had the courage Newton. I'm rambling aren't I?" We nodded and talked about it all night.

Newt scamanderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ