truth or dare

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As me and Newt was in the dormitory we both spoke up saying "let's play truth or dare" me and Newt chuckle a little because you guys realised how much a like you are.

"Okay Mr Newt scamander Truth or Dare hmm." You giggle knowing what your going to do to him.

"Uh how about dare because because I'm not scared." He laughed his adorable laugh the first day we met and it drilled warmed my heart.

"Oh your not scared are you hmm." I giggle getting really close to him making him blush a Scarlett red.

"N-no I'm n-not." He stutters nervously then he chuckled nervously I thought to myself 'my poor hippogriff '

"Okay so how about I dare you to slap professor Snape." I laughed at his shocked face as if I killed his family

" Y/N Y/L/N! Are you trying to get me expelled. " he almost whisper shouted which made me laugh.

I took a deep breath from laughing and glance at him and tell him "Don't worry. You don't have to slap the real Professor Snape. We can conjure up a holographic Snape and you can slap that one aaand you won't get expelled." I looked at him coz he was hesitant

"Hmmm fine I'll do it just because of the stupid dare." I cheered and laughed but he didn't but he did smile at my cheering which caused me to say to him " is that a smile I see. "

After my laughing fit causing my stomach to hurt and Newt chuckle I conjure up the holographic Snape and Newt slaps it. "Happy Y/N."

I look to Newt and say jokingly "Oh my dear, dear Newt if I didn't dare you to slap the holographic Snape you wouldn't be having fun." I giggle and don't even know why. Then Newt chuckles.

he looks questioning on what the truth or dare will be for me then asked "Okay Y/L/N truth or dare." Then Newt smirks.

He thinks he is smart thinking he knows what I will choose so he has an 'idea' in his of what your dare is little does my little hippogriff know.

Then i start to smirk think on choosing the opposite of what I normally so you say "since I never trust your dares imma choose truth." Newt looked shocked as if I killed his bowtruckle.

He looks upset and I giggle at that "Great now I gotta think of a truth coz I had a stupid dare ready....WAIT." I jumped a little at that "Was you planning that the whole time." I laughed at that.

"No my little hippogriff I just thought I'd go my truth for once." I made that face you make when you are something adorable because Newt made his adorable child like face.

He didn't really want to know this he just wanted to hear it but you didn't know and asked "fine. Who is your real favourite magical creature." I felt shocked for a moment before I then went to hurt since I had already told him it's was a bowtruckle.

a tear fall but he didn't see and you smiled "My little hippogriff I already told you it's a bowtruckle" you still felt hurt since he didn't believe you.

He chuckled for a second "I know I just wanted to hear you say it again." We both chuckled as I also took a sigh of relief.

I took a deep breath "Okay newty truth or dare." I giggle hopeing he chose truth.

"Well I can never ever trust you dare." I look fake offended and then you both laugh. " I'll choose truth. " I smile a wicked smirk.

"Okay, okay your truth do you really feel about our niffler poppy." Then I can't help but laugh.

He looks stumped actually think of the question. "Hmmm well okay well he can be an annoying little bugger and is always sneaking away but I do love him to bits. I wouldn't even trade him for the world and everything in it."

My heart swells a little at how cute that was "Aww that's soo adorable. Now I want your niffler." We both chuckled and run to eat at the dinner hall and then go to sleep for more adventures tomorrow.

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