The incident

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Me and Newt was on our way to class when this, this , this nerd bomber pushed Newt and I was not having that.

I shouted the dumb guy "HEY! who the fuck do you think you are doofus. If you think you can get away with pushing someone think again. Don't think I'll let you get away with it especially if it my friend Newt."

He turned around and looked at me as he did he looked me up and down like a piece of fucking meat that fucking dickhead.


I rolled my eyes and barged past him dragging Newt along with me trying to go to class. As we was getting past he grabbed my arm and growled in my ear " I do what I want little missy got it? "

I rolled my eyes I was pissed at this point. My day ruined. I looked into his eyes fire in them "Not. With. Me. MiStEr." I mocked him. He looked mad ooh if looks could kill.

Me and Newt arrived to class 40 minutes late to class. Thanks to that idiot we got detention.

                                  20 minutes later

I was shaking my hands, legs I mean obviously I just told someone to shut up and fuck off. Ah shit I'm in trouble maybe even dead. My hands wouldn't stop shaking. Newt touched my shoulder and said "hey." I jumped "hey you okay."

I looked terrified and tried to lie to him but ended up telling the truth. "Me oh yeah I'm fine." He looked at me like ' seriously'. And I fessed up "fine no I'm not okay. I'm not."

Then the guy showed up and I tried to stop my hand from shaking I was successful and he spoke up. "H-Hey I don't normally do this but....I'm sorry I treated you like shit and I shouldn't have. I hope you can forgive me." He looked as if he was pleading for my forgiveness.

I was hesitant at first and I looked at Newt for what I should do and he nodded I stood up, took a deep breath and said "Okay I can forgive but not forget but I never want to see you hurt me, Newt or anyone I know got it." He nodded and walked off.

Newt smiled and said "Y/N!" I jumped and said 'mhm' he scoffed and said "girl you were TOTALLY a badass today it was AWSOME. You should do it more often." I scoffed

I shook my head I looked at his sad child/dog like eyes and said "c'mon let's just go to bed I want to sleep." I pushed him to the Hufflepuff dormitory and he nodded in agreement and yawned.

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