learning patronus spell

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Me, Newt and Lilly was walking up to the room when I started feeling nervous about the patronus spell. Lilly hugged me "Y/n, hunny your gonna be fine trust me on this. Your gonna get the one you want I swear." I smiled and nodded.

We walked in. We say down and sir wasn't here. He ran in. He was small and I mean two foot talk it was adorable. Me and Lilly was talking about it. "Hey y/n remember we have potions tomorrow." I thanked her and sir started talking.

I tried to drone him out. It worked for about 10 minutes then sir caught me and said "miss y/l/n if you are going to day dream in my class I suggest you have an explanation as to why." I went beat read.

I nodded embarrassingly "y-yes sir. It's just that I have done this spell a million times. For practice. Obviously for this day. It's my favourite spell and I wait to see what my party's is." He hesitantly nodded.

Before I casted the spell I thought of a happy memory I let it flood my brain and made sure I was completely focused. On that Particular memory.

Once that memory was in my brain I held up my wand in the air and without moving it I pointed it towards a dementor and shouted EXPECTO PATRONUS!

There it was my patronus. It was a beautiful y/p I loved it and Newt and Lilly loved there's too. We hugged and jumped and then sir said class was dismissed so we got food.

Lilly stood up abruptly. "Guys out patronus's were amazing but after that class in wiped. C'mon let's go to sleep in tired." We nodded I mean if we could sleep in the hall way we probably would have but we got to bed safely.

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