learning amortentia

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As me, Newt and Lilly walked into class professor Snape have us a glare. Rude. Anyway we took our seats.

Professor Snape started talking and I just started to sorts drown him out. "Today we will be learning the amortentia potion....blah blah blah. Blah blah blah. Blah blah blah." ugh so boring.

Newt nudged me awake "Hey What did you do that for I don't go nudgeing you do i?" He quietly laughed

He looked away from professor Snape for a second "y/n/n you was dozing off. Don't worry I took notes for you." I smiled

What we need

Ashwinder Eggs. First drop one ashwinder egg into your cauldron. These serpent eggs are a common ingredient in most love potions.

Rose Thorns. Next add in a handful of rose thorns. Be careful as these sometimes have sharp edges.

Refined Peppermint Oil. These ingredient is easy to get, it can be found in any grocery store.

Moonstone. This is the hardest ingredient to find, you may need to call in some favours from wizarding folk to obtain one of these magical stones.

Stir Your Mixture. Stir well your mixture well until steam rises from the cauldron.

Spirals Of Steam. Once your potion is ready, steam will rise from your cauldron in spirals and you'll begin to smell a strong aroma.

Mother Of Pearl. Amortentia is recognised by its distinctive for its mother of pearl sheen.

Give The Potion To Your Crush. Once prepared, you'll need to get your crush to drink one drop of the potion, a single dose usually lasts up to 24 ...

Mine smiled like maple syrup and ginger tea wait....that's what I think Newt smells of. Newt realised that his smelled of me and that's when we realised we like each other....

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