asking each other out while watching a movie

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Me and Newt was watching Gilmore girls and hugging on the sofa. He was only watching it coz I told him I loved it and I may or may not have forced him to.

I snuggled closer to him and buried my head into his neck when we both started talking. "Hey did you get asked if you were dating me by any chance y/n/n" I moved to sit up.

He looked away from the show and smirks "why have they asked you my little niffler" he started calling me that after a few days of dating.

I sad back knowing that if don't answer he will crack and tell me first. "Ugh you win yes they have been asking me now will you tell me if people have been asking you" he gave me the puppy dog eyes.

I smiled and have up "fine I'll tell you Don't worry. I love you my little hippogriff" I missed his cheek.

Thirty minutes later me and Newt turned the tv off and just talked. All. Night. Long. Then we both said at the same time. "Hey babe wanna go out on a date this weekend. Awe I love you. Okay stop talking at the same time as me." We laughed

I got up pulling Newt with me "Okay let's go to bed" we went to sleep in my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2022 ⏰

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