the life talk

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Me and Newt were sat on the sofa and I was laying down on his lap looking at the roof when I thought to myself 'What is life about'

I turn to Newt and ask him "Newt? How is your life?" He looks down to me

He looked confused and asked "what do you mean. Like how is my life going or..." I say the first one " Well pretty great I have living parents a good/annoying brother a great pet and an amazing best friend p.s that's you. "

We both laugh at him whispering the last part and then he asked me "what about your life y/n/n." I went all wide eyes and panicked took a deep breath and told him

" my life isn't as good as yours. My friends didn't love me instead they beat me. They kept saying I was a mistake or ugly to thin too fat. Then my siblings they treated my like the black sheep they hated me for being born my brother's would put my head in the lake near my house and make me pass out from the lack of oxygen. My sister's were like my friends and brothers combined they were awful. The only people who love me was my parents and you. " you feel tears starting to form and couldn't help it.

Newt looked like he was gonna cry which made me cry harder and suddenly everyone ran up to me and hugged me soon we were in a Hufflepuff house huddle I felt loved.

Everyone left but Newt they went to freshen up Newt would stop hugging me I wouldn't let go not after 10 minutes of hugging I guess I needed it he is an amazing best friend I love him.

A/N: ik it's short but I wasn't feeling like writing this week. I first got covid then let's just say I ended up crying over something dumb. And before you think the worst I didn't get hit.

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