Chapter 01

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It was a struggle, it really was. The brunette was hot, not to mention adorable. He was everything he wanted in a person. There was one problem, however. The handsome brunette would never see the skinny ravenette the same way. But... what if he could make the brunette see him the way he wanted to? His cousin had done it before, albeit accidentally, but they had still done it, so what was stopping him? Simple: where to start. Ever since he was younger, he had had a fascination with hypnosis. What if he could use hypnosis to make the brunette not only see him the way he wanted to, but make him his? It was possible, and it had worked in the past for some of his family members. But where would he start?

"Hey, Uncle Kenny? I have a question," the ravenette started, looking at the dark brunette who sat on the sofa.

Humming, the man – Kenny – paused the movie he was watching and turned to look at his eldest nephew. "What is it, Levi?" he asked.

The boy, Levi, took a deep breath. "You know how our family can hypnotise people?" Kenny nodded. "How would I go about doing it?"

"I recommend becoming friends first and then going from there. You don't want to be strangers, makes it much harder to get them to trust you enough." Levi nodded to show he understood. "Watch some tutorials, read books about it. Everyone uses a different method that fits them. You'll find one that suits you eventually."

"Okay," nodded Levi. "Thanks Uncle Kenny!" Kenny merely nodded before turning his attention back to his movie as Levi headed upstairs, racing to his laptop. Okay, he thought as he opened up YouTube, Uncle Kenny said to watch some tutorials so let's start with that. It was quite easy to find tutorials which surprised him. Seems a lot of people are into this sort of stuff. Hopefully, he's into it. Even if he isn't, I'll make him.

About twenty minutes had gone by and Levi was just finishing up watching the third tutorial. During that time he had taken many notes, preparing to make his crush his and only his. Deciding he had watched enough tutorials, the ravenette decided to focus on the second piece of advice his uncle had given him: become friends. That seemed easy enough. The two boys weren't exactly strangers, but they weren't what you'd call friends either. Levi sighed, leaning back in his desk chair as he thought about how to go about becoming friends with the boy he had had the longest crush on. Eventually he figured out a way and decided to try and implement it the next day.

Tuesday soon arrived, meaning today Levi had majority of his classes with his crush. Today is the day, he thought as he headed towards the house across from his, I can feel it. Knocking on the door, it was soon opened to reveal a handsome brunette with beautiful Caribbean blue eyes. "Levi?" the owner of those Caribbean blue eyes asked, slightly surprised to see the boy at his door.

"Hey, Eren," he greeted calmly whilst he was internally panicking. "Wanna walk to school together?" Eren seemed to hesitate before nodding, deciding it would be nice to walk with someone who wasn't Mikasa or Armin. As the two walked towards their high school, Eren started to become curious.

"Say, why did you want to walk to school together today?" he asked as said school started to come into sight. "You never usually."

"I just wanted to get to know you better," Levi replied as they entered their high school. By lunch, the two had surprisingly become quite close. Although, Mikasa was a it suspicious though Eren kept saying she was blowing it out of proportion. Levi just wanted to be his friend, nothing else... right?


Word Count: 647

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