Other races

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Author note: remember what i said in the prologue about goblins and fairies and phoenixes and dragons folk existing in this story allow me to introduce you to the leaders of them

Author note: remember what i said in the prologue about goblins and fairies and phoenixes and dragons folk existing in this story allow me to introduce you to the leaders of them

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Name: Grom the Paunch
Voice actor: Clancy Brown

Name: Grom the PaunchVoice actor: Clancy Brown

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Occupation: alpha of the goblins

Backstory: Warlord Grom, known more famously as Grom the Paunch or Grom the Fat of the Misty Mountain,[1a] was not only the largest and most powerful Goblin to have ever lived, but also among the greatest of Greenskin Warbosses, being the only Greenskin Warlord to have ever made a successful invasion of the distant lands of Ulthuan. Gobbos are cowardly and disloyal, but nothing stirs their wicked hearts like Grom, mightiest of Goblin Warbosses. Stories of Grom's greatness still command attention around any Goblin camp and if a Shaman should conjure his superlative-sized image, even the most boisterous gobbo will behave with reverence.

In Grom's looming presence Goblins will stand up straight, refrain from grumbling backtalk and even limit their rampant nose-picking. These ultimate displays of respect are because, to lowly Goblins, Grom is a living god, the embodiment of everything that they will never be -- large, ferocious and idolised.

All Warbosses are full of themselves and boastful but once again Grom displayed his epic proportions. Here was a Goblin from a backwards tribe grown large and powerful, suddenly able to bully Orcs and command as he saw fit. It is no wonder it went to his head. Soon after, he crushed an opposing leader beneath his bulk and added the Night Goblins of Thunder Mountain to his growing forces. Grom began to refer to himself in the third person. If they wanted to stay in his favour, Grom's followers had to use phrases such as 'yer immensity' when addressing him. Both Grom and his horde grew larger still.

Powers and abilities: superhuman strength, leadership, magic, claws and axe wielding

Age: 37

Likes:food, commanding his troops and singing and his fortress and testing his might

Dislikes: Salem,Reaper the lord of demons, failing his goals, being labeled as weak

Dislikes: Salem,Reaper the lord of demons, failing his goals, being labeled as weak

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Name: Dorothea
Voice actor: Cherami Leigh

Name: Dorothea Voice actor: Cherami Leigh

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Occupation: empresses of the fairies

Backstory: she became heiress to the fairy throne when her father and mother died and she became the empress she brought hope and kindness to her people and kept the forest of the fairies safe for a very long time. She was taught in various types of magic and intelligence so she is a very well thought out strategic plan maker. And she was able to make peace with the goblins and fairies something that here parents never could accomplish.

Powers and abilities: healing magic, nature magic, intelligence and flight

Age: 20

Likes: Liebe, JNPR, RWBY and nature and spending time with people she labeled her friends

Dislikes: her enemies, those her harm her people and the fairy forest

Dislikes: her enemies, those her harm her people and the fairy forest

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Name: bal gro the fearless

Occupation: banished soldier of the orcs

Backstory:he was banished from his horde because he was a unsuccessful fighter and was considered a failure by his own people and by attending beacon he will hopefully be able to be redeemed and accepted by his people.

Voice actor: Steve Blum

Voice actor: Steve Blum

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Likes: armwrestling with yang, practice using weapons and meat 🍖

Dislikes: seeing his people suffer

(Author note; I shall introduce more races later on ok guys?)

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