Chapter 4: Jamie's Side of the Story

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Jamie sat in a chair and the police officer sat in front of her.

"Alright, Miss. Can you give me your side of the story of what happened?" he asked.

"Yes," Jamie nodded then explained, "Well, I just got into town today and I was walking along when I saw these three bears running after Rosita, demanding money from her that this guy Mike said she had. But she told him she didn't have it and that Mike has been known to lie to them. They then said they were going to see if he was and that's when I stepped in. After a brief chat, they charged at me, but I took them out easily and made sure Rosita was okay before we called the cops."

"So you just happened to see this go on until you stepped in?" he asked.

"Yes," she nodded.

"And it was only those three bears doing this to her?" the police officer continued.

"Well, from what I've been told, they were only after her because that guy, Mike, told them she had their money, which isn't true. I may have just met Rosita, but she doesn't seem like the type to have money for three huge bears that would harm her if she didn't pay them," Jamie said.

"Okay. And since you are new in town, you don't know what this Mike looks like?" he asked.

"I don't," she shook her head, feeling bad she couldn't say who it was.

"Alright. That should be it. You can head back out to the lobby," the cop told her.

"Thanks," Jamie nodded politely as she stood up.

She went back to the lobby to see everyone waiting on her.

"You guys didn't have to wait for me," she said with a smile.

"After what you did for Rosita, we all owed it to you," Buster said then added, "She also told me about your interest in performing since you're from Redshore City."

"Yeah," she said, rubbing her arm shyly.

"Well, if you want to, we would love to have you audition to be a part of the cast," he offered.

Her eyes widened and she cupped her mouth shut in excitement. She looked at Johnny, who smiled and nodded. She looked back at Buster, uncovering her mouth.

"I would love to!" she answered.

"Great! We'll see you at the Moon Theater at 9 tomorrow," Buster said as he and the others except Johnny headed toward the doors.

"Will do," Jamie nodded.

Once they were gone, Johnny and Jamie looked at each other.

"What you did for Rosita was really brave," he told her.

"Thanks," she said.

"Do you need a ride? I can drop you off where your parents are," Johnny offered.

"Oh. Well, funny story," Jamie giggled a bit then explained, "Since it's summer and to celebrate my senior year of high school, my dad let me come here by myself and I haven't figured out where I'm gonna stay yet."

"Seriously?" he asked.

"Yeah. Kinda sad, I know," she answered, moving her bangs of fur out of her face.

"Oh. No. That's not what I meant. I'm pretty impressed your dad let you come somewhere you've never been to by yourself," Johnny told her.

"Well, it took a little negotiating, but here I am," Jamie said.

He chuckled then offered, "Well, if it's okay with my dad and uncles, I can drive you to my place."

"Are you sure? I don't want to be any intrusion," she said.

"Even if I met you under different circumstances and you needed a place to stay, I would still offer it to you," Johnny answered.

Jamie smiled, grabbed her bag, then said, "Please lead the way then."

He laughed a little as he did so.


A/N That was something else!

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