Chapter 19: Reconciliation

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After Johnny went through, it closed and Nooshy and Maddie went downstairs when they saw Mike

"I'll leave you two to talk," Nooshy said then told Mike before leaving, "But watch yourself."

Maddie sighed and asked, "Mike, I don't want to be yelled at again, so what do you want?"

"I wanted to apologize," Mike replied.

She was shocked before cleaning her ears and said, "Could you repeat that? I don't think I heard you right."

He then took her out to the lobby as she hugged herself.

"Look, I'm sorry. For everything. While it would've helped if you told me sooner, I had no right to yell at you. You already felt guilty about not telling me to begin with and adding me yelling at you didn't help," Mike replied.

She managed a small smile, making him return it.

"Lucky for you, I'm able to put that behind me since I like you a lot," Maddie told him.

"Good, because I like you a lot too," he responded.

They soon hugged and parted to see how close they were. They were then about to kiss when they heard the glass doors smash. They looked to see the bears there, making them afraid.

"We'll see how important you two are," the leader smirked.


A/N I'm so bad! AHH! Sorry it's really short.

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