Things I know

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Pit, pat.

The muffled sound behind the glass window next to us, the television playing some show neither of us are watching, aroma of the coffee we just finished still hanging in the air, and my head resting on her lap... this I would call perfection.

I watch the raindrops hit the glass and slide down one after the other, painting stories of their short lived lives. Their low voices comfort me, but the sight reminds me of something distant and sad.

"What are you thinking?" she asks with her soft voice as she leans over me, her loose hair pulling a veil over my view.

"I'm sleepy" I lie and try to find her eyes in the surrounding darkness.

She chuckles. "Why are you so cute?"

I let out an audible smile without arguing back on how she's the cute one, not me like I usually do.

"I wish I could stop time so I could stay with you like this forever" she rests her cheek on my forehead and sighs softly.

"I know" I whisper as I reach my hand up to caress her hair.

I know. I really do.

"I'm gonna stick to you like gum and never leave!" she springs up and stares at me with a playful threatening expression.

I once again, smile the same way and nod. "I know you will"

Because I know.

Then she cups my face, all playfulness replaced by seriousness. She stares in to my eyes and I stare at hers, eyes talking to the souls inside.

"You know that I love you more than anything, right?" I notice a streak of worry in her low voice; something I don't want to hear.

I arch up and pull her face closer in one swift movement. I leave no space for air as I capture her lips in mine, both melting in to a momentary paradise.

I know that you love me.

But I also know what you don't, darling.

I know that all the promises will just be pointless words.

I know this overflowing love will stop flowing.

I know that this happiness won't last.

I know, that one day

You'll leave.

I know you will leave me, no matter how many times you swear you won't.

But that's okay since I know, I'll just be ready for it all.

"I know" I whisper against her lips in the most sensual way,

With another smile. 


08th Jan, 2022

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