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THE TUNES OF 'RIPTIDE' BY VANCE JOY blasted in Niki's wired headphones as she stared out the window of the moving vehicle. After a 7 hour drive, they were finally in their last 5 minute stretch.

Niki and her parents were driving from her home state in Washington all the way to Queens, New York, where Niki's dad, Ollie, had gotten a new job offer down at the Orscops scienctific lab.

"Honey, we're pulling in, get your shoes on." Niki's mother, Beth spoke softly from the passenger seat. The blonde took her headphones out of her ears, put them in her bag and slipped her shoes back on her feet.

Once they made a full stop at their new house, Niki climbed out of the car, more then happy to stretch her limbs. "Alright, grab your stuff from the trunk, and go find your room. The moving truck should be here in a couple of hours." Ollie explained.

Niki nodded, grabbing her blue suitcase and backpack before walking up the steps to her new house. Stepping inside the home, she examined it slowly. It was small, but Niki quite liked it being smaller, for the reason that it felt more homey.

She walked up the stairs, and quickly found the room that should be hers. It had a small walk in closet and a view of the front yard, including the house across the street. Niki's bedroom window seemed to cross exactly from the neighbors bedroom window.

A couple hours later, she sat in her room hanging the few clothes Niki had with her at that moment before it all arrived the next morning. "Niki! Come downstairs, there's people here." The voice of her mom, Beth, yelled.

Niki ran down the stairs, stopping in front of the door. Her parents stood in front of the door, while a man, a woman and a boy around her age stood on the porch. "This is Niki, Niki these are the neighbors, they live right across the street. Ben, May and Peter Parker. Ben and I grew up together." Ollie explained.

"Hello." Niki mumbled, waving a hand. "Hi! I'm May, my you are much taller since the last picture I saw of you, may I ask how old you are?" May Parker questioned, "I'm seventeen." Niki nodded, a small smile on her face. "Oh! That's how old my nephew is. This is Peter." May introduced.

"It's nice to meet you Peter." Niki greeted, meeting the eyes of the cute boy. "It's nice to meet you as well Nik." Peter smiled. "It's Niki actually." She giggled at the boys slip up. "Oh i'm so so sorry." He apologized, seeming nervous. "No no, it's alright." Niki grinned, shrugging. "This is incredibly embarrassing oh my." Peter mumbled, putting a hand on his face.

"Quit flirting before i start to plan your wedding." Beth spoke jokingly. Niki's face turned a bright pink, as she avoided her eyes to the multicolored dinosaur socks that she was wearing.

"Well we better get going, it's late and i'm sure you have a lot of unpacking to do." Ben spoke. "It was a pleasure to see you all again, you must come over soon! So we can officially catch up." May added, a bright smile on her face. "Will do, have a swell night!" Ollie said as the Parker's stepped off their porch, before shutting the door.

"That Peter boy is cute huh?" Her mom said with a jokingly tone, wiggling her eyebrows. "Mom!" Niki groaned, throwing her head back. "I'm serious! Get to know him, I know you'll get along." Her mom grinned.

"And you'd have some seriously cute babies." Her dad added. "Ughhh" Niki rolled her eyes, walking back upstairs into her room.

Closing her door behind her, she stepped into her room, walking towards the windows to close the blinds but stopping when something caught her eye. The same boy from earlier, Peter, seemed to be stood in his bedroom checking his phone.

Niki's face lifted into a small grin, her nom was right: he was cute. All of a sudden Peter turned towards her and Niki quickly looked away, trying to make it seem like she was looking at her phone as well, completely unaware the Peter was thinking the same thing.

𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒, peter parker.Where stories live. Discover now