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A DAY LATER, NIKI FOUND HERSELF hacking into Oscorp's system to find more information about Max. She wanted to understand what had happened in the couple hours from when she first saw him to his electricity state.

But the thing was: she couldn't. It was like he hadn't existed whatsoever. she furrowed her eyebrows trying as hard as she could to find anytbing, but couldn't. Somebody at Oscorp had whipped it all way.

"That's her." She heard, turning around she saw a couple guys pointing at her. Her eyes widening, she quickly shut the computer off and made her way to the exit.

"Excuse me Miss Lilac!" She hears again as she quickly tried to ignore them, walking as fast as she could. Suddenly she tripped over her feet, but before she could fall somebody caught her.

Looking up she realized, that it was Peter. "Oh hi!" She smiled at him. "What are you doing here?" Niki questioned, he repeated the question though Niki wasn't paying attention as she saw the guys get close.

Grabbing Peter's hand, she dragged him into a nearby closet despite his confusion. "She's not here!" They watched as the men who were after her walked around.

"You're in trouble." Peter grinned. "Yeah." She whispered. "Who's that guy?" He added. "There was an accident in the genetics lab and they're covering it up and I found out." Niki told him.

"That guy you fought last night? I met him, he was an electrician near the building, he loved spiderman by the way. He was like a fanatic."  She explained.

"Didn't seem like he loved me when he was shooting his electricity at me." Peter told her. "That's actually kinda what it's like to live you." Niki stiffled a laugh. "I was searching for him on the computer, but all his files were erased, it was like he never existed." She spoke quietly.

"That sounds horrible." Peter mumbled, "What about you, why are you here?" Niki said, "Harry." "Osborn?" "He's dying." "What do you mean?" she furrowed her eyebrows.

"He's dying and he thinks the only thing that will save his life his my blood, spider-man's blood. And as far as I know if I give it to him it could kill him."
Peter fully explained. "Or something worse." Niki added.

"This is a maintenance closet Nik, this is the most cliche of hiding spots you could've chosen." Peter shook his head, "Oh i'm sorry, next time i'll pick a hiding spot that's to your liking." She told him, causing him
to laugh. "How about there isn't a next time." Peter nodded, she agreed.

"Listen I gotta talk to you about France because, well-" He was cut off by himself pressing his lips to her's, immediately she kissed back, grabbing onto his shoulders while placing his hands on her face as they synced their lips together.

And as quick as it started; it was over. "You just kissed me." Niki stated matteroffactly. "I know i'm sorry, I couldn't help it, how'd your like it?" Peter asked. "Felt kinda rush." Niki but her lip.

"I know, I know." He nodded, "This is the plan you head to the elevator, i'll distract them." Peter explained, Niki nodded her head.

So Niki opened the door and the two walked out, Niki trying to stifle her laughs as she watched Peter pour hot coffee on the men, who desperately tried to catch her.

Once the elevator door shut, she let out a sign of relief. "Nikita Lilac." Niki jumped turning around, not expecting anyone to be in there with her. "Sorry!" The voice of Harry Osborn apologized. "No it's alright." She shook her head, still gasping for air.

"I'm Harry, an old friend of Peters." He introduced, "I know, sorry I was kind of rushing." Niki told him. "I'm sorry he never introduced us, I thought you two had broken up." Harry said.

"Oh, yeah we had it's uh, it's-." "Complicated." "Yeah." "It's Peter, everything is always complicated with Peter." Harry exclaimed, Niki laughed. "Yeah!"

"But that's why he needs you right? To help him make his choices." Niki furrowed her eyebrows, where was this coming from? Suddenly the elevator beeped and they landed on the first floor. Saved by the bell.

"It was nice meeting you Harry." She smiled, before stepping out, definitely a creepy first impression.

The next day, Niki was on her way to a meeting with a counselor from the university she was to attend to, the lady had flown all that way just to meet with Niki, when a large crash came behind her. Peter Parker.

"Hi, I need to talk to you." "Not right now Peter, i'm extremely late-." The blonde explained. "Please let me-" "Peter seriously I cant do this right now."

"It'll only take a second." He spoke quickly as he matched her quick pace. "Pete-" "Everything's a mess. Everything's insane. My dad, my mom. Everything I thought about them? Lies! Ha! Lies, lies, lies. Nothing makes any sense anymore. So here we are. I got to figure what I'm gonna do with Harry, because of course I wanna save him. You know? I want to save him because he's my best pal. And what- what if my blood works? But what if it doesn't? I don't know. I got no idea." He rambled, clearly frustrated.

"I got nothing. I got nothing. The only thing I keep coming back to, Niki, is—" "Niki? Shall I take you upstairs?" The front desk lady, spoke. "Yes i'm so sorry, i'm already late, just one more minute, i'm sorry." She said.

Peter looked around, "Where are we?" He muttered, "I'm meeting with my advisor to schedule classes for the first semester. "Oh- I didn't- I didn't know, i'm sorry." He faced the front desk lady,

"I'm sorry madam, lady? madam. Who am I? I am John Hodgeskins one of the young professors at Haravard and I was tryinf to get her to be uh apart of my uh my team for awhile now."

"She's one of the smartest people I know, scientific genius, anyways uh god safe tbe queen and i'm sorry that uh yeah." He begun walking away. "Peter can you wait for just a second!" Niki ran after him.

"What is it you needed to say to me?" She asked. "I have to go to France Peter, it's important to me. I mean, I don't know-" She stopped taking in a breath of air. "Maybe we're on different paths right now. Maybe we're just going different ways. Look, I got to get to go. I gotta go." Niki explained, walking away slowly.

"Nik." Peter started, she turned around, "I'm happy for you." He smiled, Niki nodded her head before turning around and walking away.

oh snap.

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