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NIKI WAS QUITE ANXIOUS TO SAY THE LEAST. It was her graduation day, and her boyfriend, Peter Parker, was late. After everything that happened earlier that year, he continued to be spiderman, but they worked with their relationship: hence her worry.

She was sitting in her seat, staring directly at Peter's seat, though he was nowhere in sight. Niki let out a breathe and pulled out her phone, calling Peter. "Hey honey i'm sorry, i'm running a bit late, there's a lot of traffic." He explained, after all these months Niki still blushed when he called her that.

"Your timing is terrible. It started already." She exclaimed, "I know i'm sorry." He said. "Where are you?" Niki bounced her knee looking around.

"1st in broadway, 2nd in broadway, 3rd in broadway, uh 5 minutes, 10 tops." Peter spoke, it was like she could tell that he was shrugging.

"Are those sirens?" Niki questioned. "No." He responded, "Peter." "No." "Peter." "No, no sirens." "Peter, what is happening?" She whispered, confused and a little concerned.

She repeated his name several times, not getting anything "I'll be there in time, I promsie." Peter said, before he hung up. "Peter!" She groaned.

"This years valedictorian, Gwen Stacy." The principal spoke out. Ignoring the whole fiasco, Niki grinned clapping her hands excitingly for her friend.

Though she felt bad about this, through out Gwen's speech all Niki could focus on, was the fact that Peter wasn't there. She kept glancing around hoping she could spot him, but he was nowhere to be seen.

After her speech when names were being called she waited in line, "Nikita Lilac." She walked onto stage who to shake Gwen's hand when she heard a loud yell, "That's my girl!" None other then Peter parker himself, holding his cap and still having his backpack on.

Niki grinned, smiling at the boy before grabbing her deploma and walking off stage.

After the ceremony Niki stood with her mom and dad, taking several photos. Suddenly, she spotted Peter. "I'm gonna go talk to Peter, i'll be back." She smiled to her parents before making her over to May and Peter.

"Hi." Niki waved to Peter, walking up to him, "Hey." He grinned, pressing a kiss to her lips. "Let's get a picture you two!" Aunt May exclaimed, Peter groaned ready to complain while Niki smiled, grabbing Peter's arm and wrapping it over her self.

Peter held her waist, a small smile on his face while Niki laid her head against his chest, grinning at the camera. She took a couple, before Peter spoke, "Give me like two minutes please." May nodded walking away, "Don't go to far!" Peter said. "Nice seeing you!" Niki waved, May waved back with a giant smile on her face.

"Did uh, your traffic jam have anytbing to do with the russian mob and machine guns by any chance?" Niki spoke, pulling out her phone to show him the article she was looking at.

His silence was all that she needed, "Why couldn't you just tell me?" She asked. "Because, it was almost Gwen's speech, which I know you helped write." He pointed out. "You didn't even listen to it!" Niki rolled her eyes playfully. "Still, I know." Peter shrugged.

"Niki sweetie!" Her mother, Beth yelled out to her, "Fmaily photo!" "Coming!" Niki grinned, she turned back towards Peter, "Coming to Isaeh's tonight?" She asked, "Couldn't keep me away." Peter nodded.

"Great, it's at 8:00, don't be late!" Niki said, "I won't be" Peter told her, pressing a kiss to her lips. The blonde kissed back for a moment before pulling away and walking back towards her family, where she was forced to take picture after picture until her gums couldn't handle it anymore.

Though, another promise was broken by Peter Parker as he was in fact late to dinner. Niki had changed out of her cap and gown but was bouncing her leg slightly checking her phone every couple minutes.

Gwen, who sat next to her due to both of their families going out to dinner to celebrate with each other, nudged her, noticing something was wrong. "Peter's late." Niki said simply. Gwen then shook her head and pointed to the front.

There he stood, making no move to come inside. Niki frowned, excusing herself before walking outside. "Peter, what is it?" She asked, stepping towards him. "Hey." He greeted, "What's wrong, are you alright?" She questioned.

"I don't know what i'm doing." Peter answered simply, he had tears in his eyes. "It's Captain Stacy isn't it?" Niki said. "Yeah, I see him everywhere I go, I can't- I don't know what to do I can't get him out of my head." He rushed out, stuttering over his words.

"Yeah but we talked about this." Niki started, "I know Nik-" "It's not his choice." She continued. "Niki I promised him that I would keep away from you. And now i'm going to eat dinner with your family." Peter shook his head.

"How can I do this! What does this make me?" He added. "I don't know, what that makes you." Niki asked, scared to hear what the response was going to be. "It makes me not able to live with myself." He responded walking around her.

"I thought that meant you loved me." Niki mumbled. "I do love you." Peter nodded, "Then why isn't that enough." She begged, tears threatening to fall. "Because of what if something happened to you like it did to him because of me." He rambled.

"Okay-" "Wait." "Listen-" "Wait." "Pete-" "Wait! I can not let that happen." Peter shook his head. "Listen to me, you're spiderman and I love that, but I love Peter Parker more." Niki answered, nodding her head. "That's worth it to me." She added.

"I can't lose you too." He muttered. "And because you can't lose me we can't be together. Who does that work out for Pete?" She asked. "I can't, i'm sorry Niki." Peter said simply.

"Wow." She pursed her lips, "You have done this to me again. Peter, I can't live like this anymore." Niki shook her head,

"Okay listen: I'm breaking up with you." She finalized, "Got it? I am breaking up with you." Niki stared at him for one more second before turning away and walking back inside, trying her hardest to not let any tears fall.

Gwen, who watched the entire thing put her hand in Niki's shoulder. Niki silently thanked her, plastering a smile on her face, just praying for this dinner to end.

angst on chapter one ?!?
ok technically it's not chapter
one but it's fineeee.

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