03: Pancakes and Poor Lies

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Anonymous Chat Server:

struct group_info init_groups = { .usage_exit = BLACK_MAMBA };
struct group_info *groups_avatar(enter);
{ struct group_info *enter_secureline; }

AUTUMN: *waves* good evening wyatt. french naevis on their way to assassinate karina yu. royal london hospital. 8pm.

WYATT: on it

AUTUMN: you didn't hear that from me and this conversation never happened

WYATT: what conversation?

AUTUMN: ha! *winks*

WYATT: we getting beer after?

AUTUMN: just landed in seoul :(

WYATT: too bad.

AUTUMN: meet me when you get back. lots to talk about.


AUTUMN: karina needs to be eliminated though. just fyi. shes a huge kosmo asset.

WYATT: im aware. ill take care of that. soon

AUTUMN: be sure to tell me. i'll have things ready for you.

WYATT: will do. i'll let you know as soon as things progress

AUTUMN: ps: you need to go now. naevises are on their way to the hospital.


AUTUMN: be back before jennie gets to the headquarters or she'll know what you're up to

WYATT: yes ma'am *salutes*

autumn left the server

wyatt left the server

{ struct group_info *secure line disconnected; }


Wyatt (Winter)Black Mamba London Headquarters | 9:00 PM

Wyatt (Winter)Black Mamba London Headquarters | 9:00 PM

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Sneaking in has become second nature to Wyatt.

Tiptoeing across the floor. Taking exaggerated strides in an attempt to stay quiet, she felt her way through the dimmed back room. This was the only way to get inside the headquarters undetected. She know all the video surveillance blind spots.

She just returned from her daring rescue mission at the Royal London Hospital, where she retrieved Agent Yu. Karina is the hottest assignment in Black Mamba right now, and it's her duty to show everyone that only the legendary Wyatt Kim can bring her down. The irony is not lost on her that she must keep her top target alive until the perfect moment arrives to eliminate her for good.

The very notion of protecting someone with the eventual intent to dispose of them seemed paradoxical, but she operated in a world where moral ambiguity was the norm.

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