08: Autumn

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KarinaLake House | 03:22 AM

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Lake House | 03:22 AM

"Twenty-four hours is all I need to convince you," Wyatt practically begged. She had vanished into thin air following a heated argument with a woman named Jen. Then she reappeared with a nasty bullet wound. I found myself playing the role of nurse.

"And what do you get from all of this?" I responded.

Took her a while, but she got up, "A fat paycheck."

Despite her cold response, I couldn't help but feel that she was the only person who could protect me right now especially after she dropped that bombshell about Ning being the mole.

Most of my Black Mamba intel comes from Ning. I never questioned it. That thing about them setting up a base in Argentina, some lunatic ninja coming after me in Germany, them spotting my hideout in Paris...

It all makes sense now.

She's got this way about her, all innocent and reliable, that never made me doubt her. I always figured she was just good at infiltrating Black Mamba's network.

But now I can't help but wonder, is she some kind of sleeper agent? Is she trying to cozy up, win my trust, and then, when the time's right, take me down?

Don't get me wrong, I've had my fair share of "friends" stabbing me in the back. My relationship with Ning has all the classic hallmarks of the "best friend who's secretly a double agent out to get you" story.

She started small in Kosmo, taking lunch and coffee orders. Then after a year, she joined my team as a tech geek. We became close friends after that one mission in Kosovo, and since then she has become a crucial part of my everyday work life.

I tell her things I wouldn't tell Irene, we hang out post-missions, get sloshed together - you know the rest. And maybe, just maybe, this is the part where she stabs me in the back, just like in the movies.

I sat on the edge of the bed, my phone in my trembling hands, wrestling with a decision that had been gnawing at me. The urge to call her but at the same time, a nagging fear gripped my heart, paralyzing me with doubt.

She's the one person I thought I could always count on.

Her number was right there on the screen, waiting to be dialed. But what if this was a wrong decision? What if opening up about everything was the final mistake that would lead to my eventual death?

But she did yank me out of my place just before it turned into a fiery disaster. I recall her getting a phone call, then clearly was in a rush to leave. (Chapter 05)

Did she have some prior knowledge that my building was going to be blown up? That felt like she was protecting me though. Or was she saving herself? Where do her loyalties truly lie?

Don't worry, Wyatt's got your back. She looked out for you at the hospital, she saved you after your place exploded... she nursed your wounds...

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