05: Tea Party

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Seoul Apartment | 07:08 AM

"Irene, this is worse than watching paint dry. The only exciting thing that's happened so far was a cat purring for two whole minutes," I complained over the phone. She insisted I stay put and recover from my injuries sustained in London.

Do I want to be stuck here like a sitting duck for two weeks? Hell no.

But does my body feel like it's been hit by a freight train? You bet your ass it does. I continued rubbing my sore spots.

Right now, all I need is a cold brew from Rekall, my favorite dive bar across the street. Is that too much to ask for?

My only focus right now is on healing and getting revenge on Winter, the notorious naevis who nearly killed me. I had heard stories about him before but didn't realize just how much the Kosmo agents feared him. Thankfully, I have plenty of scarves and turtlenecks to hide the bandages on my neck until they heal.

I was ordered to stay put for at least fifteen more hours due to a threat against me, but I'm getting antsy. I met a girl in London who saved me from another naevis attack, and even though she's a bit of a wild card, I'm hoping she can help me track down Winter. She wouldn't give me her name, but she did leave me a calling card. Maybe it's time to take her up on that offer.

I arranged a meeting for later tonight at nine, which means the Kosmo squad cannot remain here.

"There's always a threat against me."

"It's different this time. You know it." Irene replied.

"How about five more hours and they leave?" It was taking every ounce of discipline I had not to smash my phone in frustration.

"Do you understand—"

"Yes, I get it, I almost died yesterday but I have Kosmo operatives living in the same building. They're here for a reason." I interrupted.

"I was given a direct order to send a squad. You don't have a say in this." Irene said indignantly.

"How about if you send Ning over? I really don't need these buffoons turning my place into a circus," I suggested, peeking through the crack in my room's door to witness three agents in my living room exchanging silent laughter and emitting an array of creative fart noises.

I heard a sigh and Irene talking to someone else in the background. A few more moments of silence then another sigh, "I'll send Ning but, but strictly no funny business, you two. Got it? Call our extraction hotline if you're in trouble. We have five Kosmo agents currently inside the building for backup. Understood?"

"Ning and I will have a tea party. No funny business." I quipped as I imagined cold beer flowing down my throat.

01:22 PM

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