12: Secrets and Schiaparelli

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NingShilla Seoul Hotel

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Shilla Seoul Hotel

I rose from my seat, my eyes fixated on the mesmerizing view of Seoul unfolding beyond the hotel window. The cityscape sprawled out before me, a captivating mosaic of twinkling lights that painted a breathtaking tapestry across the night. The soft, ambient hum of the city drifted up, a soothing backdrop to my thoughts.

"I worked so hard to get into Kosmo, but when I finally made it, it wasn't what I expected

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"I worked so hard to get into Kosmo, but when I finally made it, it wasn't what I expected." I began, my gaze still locked onto the sprawling city below. I paused briefly, my mind flooded with memories of the most challenging years I had endured.

"I struggled for two long years feeling like I wasn't good enough and during those times, the one thing that kept me going was you, Agent Yu," I continued, my voice soft and contemplative. "Every time I heard of one of your missions where you deviated from the plan but still managed to succeed, it gave me a little boost. Your bravery, and your willingness to stand up to your superiors – all inspired me tremendously. I applied to join your team for years and faced lots of rejection, but then one day, I received an anonymous phone call."

I turned to face Karina, who sat on the couch, completely absorbed. Her gaze fixed on me with unwavering attention, "They were willing to recommend me to your department, and I thought it was the best day of my life but there was one condition. I had to focus entirely on ensuring your safety. My role was to have your back in any situation and meticulously record and report your every move. If anything were to happen to you, I'd be held responsible. It frightened me, but I had to prove myself, and I was desperate, so I said yes. Sometimes I try so hard to please you, I find it hard to oppose your decisions. Just like when I got drunk at Rekall and lost you (Chapter 05), I blamed myself so much and I was so worried that I couldn't reach you."

She let out a sigh and offered me a sympathetic look. "Oh, Ning..." she said with a hint of regret. "It's difficult to put into words what happened that night (Chapter 06), but I'll explain it to you later."

"It's alright, I've held onto my fair share of secrets from you, so you're definitely allowed to have some of your own," I reassured her. "I'm not entirely sure who issues these orders. I only communicate with a man over the phone. I've never met him, and I exclusively report to him. I don't think it's Kosmo; it's someone else with connections to the higher-ups. Whatever it is, they seem to have good intentions." I observed her take a deep breath and digest the lengthy explanation I had given. Although she didn't offer any additional comments, I could sense that she was carefully reflecting on everything.

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