04: Fashionably Late

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Wyatt (Winter)
Seoul | 08:04 PM

After a major blunder during a top-secret mission in 2014, I flew to New York and joined a covert gang of master thieves to outfox the notorious Black Mamba. I was a step ahead, employing my knowledge of their operations to stay incognito.

Everything was smooth sailing, until we pulled off a huge heist, only to end up behind bars. Like clockwork, my cousin Jennie swooped in, a blend of fairy godmother and occasional nuisance—she effortlessly wiped my rap sheet clean. Didn't even need a new identity, now that's the power of Black Mamba. It's as if I've been living a flawless existence, complete with a downright angelic headshot in my civilian record as Wyatt Kim.

 It's as if I've been living a flawless existence, complete with a downright angelic headshot in my civilian record as Wyatt Kim

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According to my impressive resume, I have a diverse skill set despite being homeschooled. Surprisingly, it claims that I excel at water polo, a sport I've never actually attempted, and truth be told, I'm not even a fan of aquatic environments. Although, I do find myself attending pool parties occasionally, where the company of attractive women in bikinis seems to be the highlight. I'm not sure if that counts as water polo expertise.

I didn't go to college but my public profile suggests that I hold a position at a renowned multinational industrial company known as Synk Industries.

That's Black Mamba's public name and how we're known worldwide.

Interestingly enough, that's the alias we use to conceal our true identity as Black Mamba, a worldwide organization notorious for being the top-tier syndicate of skilled assassins. It's a rather messed up reality, as influential politicians turn to us for their nefarious deeds. But hey, the pay is undeniably good.

"Tech business developer? Really?" I grumble to myself, scrolling through the monotonous database.

If I somehow end up needing to introduce myself to Karina, this is the snooze-worthy intel she'll have on me: a Seoul-based orphan with a stable income, stuck in a boring job. Of course, my penchant for taekwondo and ability to effortlessly incapacitate people for a living isn't exactly highlighted on paper.

A casual meeting with Karina at a café later to discuss business? Nothing to fret over... Or so I tell myself.

Dealing with notorious gangsters or high-profile agents in the past makes this a cakewalk. Maybe I should keep my mask on and remain anonymous, but how else will she know how devilishly cute I am?

I switched over to the Kosmo profiles and hummed with intrigue as I perused Agent Yu's dossier. It turns out we're both the same age.

Huh. Interesting.

I can't help but wonder what drove her to join Kosmo. As for me, my challenging upbringing with my difficult parents was motivation enough. Their passing didn't bother me as much as people might think; it was actually quite liberating.

After their death, Jennie, who had been living the life I found intriguing, took me under her wing. Initially, Black Mamba fascinated me, and as a teenager, I joined the company. During missions, having power over someone else and ending their life quickly gave me a sense of control, which I enjoyed. Being able to get away with something that is typically forbidden also added to my amusement.

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