Chapter1 -Family bonding

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It is towards the ending of August and my parents have decided to end our summer holiday with a trip to a resort

My 5'7 frame is stood awkwardly in front of the black-rimmed full-length mirror that has been placed in my room. My dark brown eyes stare right back at me. My waist is not tiny enough whilst my hips not wide enough.  I tied on the straps of my sage green bikini on my neck and wore a baggy shirt with Jean shorts on top of it. I hated my appearance. I hate how I looked when I smiled. I hated how my body was shaped like a cereal box. I hated myself.


Our family consisting of my parents, Jonathan my older brother and Grace my twelve-year-old sister, pile into our black SUV.  We are heading towards the Palm resort because our parents believe we needed "family bonding " but I would honestly just rather stay home watching Netflix.

The loud rustling of a chip packet can be heard beside me. Grace's finger changed from her brown melanin full skin to one full of orange Cheetos dust. She licked her hand in satisfaction, grinning widely. She then proceeds to violently tap on her iPad screen while playing the game piano tiles.

Jonathan on the other hand is busily face timing his girlfriend Michelle. They are inseparable and glued at each other's hips. I was so happy she couldn't make the trip because then I would have to withstand their constant PDA.

My parent's jammed to their boring music singing the lyrics as they drove along the cement paved road, while I was crouched up behind them watching a K-drama I had downloaded on my phone.


We arrive at a magnificent building with vine leave covered walls. Tall palm trees stand firmly beside it and the hotel towered above us reaching towards the sky. The building was painted a beautiful cream colour. In a huge fancy front on the front building, it said the palm resort.

We all hurried out taking our many suitcases along with us. The reception was just as magnificent as the outside. With cream coloured pillars and marble floors.

We all head up to the receptionist ready to claim our key. She had shoulder-length brown hair with blonde highlights. Her tanned olive skin seemed to glow and two dimples sat on her round face. Her eyes were a beautiful green. From what I could tell from above the desk she had a tall slender body. I was full of envy. I just knew she had many boys ask her out. Why couldn't I have eyes the colour of hers, a body as slim as hers?

I was disrupted from my thoughts when she said "Room 501" whilst she hands us our card with a cheery smile.

We went up the glass elevator making our way towards the room. Standing in front of the door that says 501. The room is well lit and in the middle was a curved cream couch with an 85-inch flat-screen TV placed in front of it. I go into the first room I find, placing my luggage in it.

To ensure my siblings knew I had already claimed it. I scream "dibs on this room!"

"You have to share with my sister." My mom says whilst typing on her laptop not even raising her head up to glance at me. I am quite disappointed that she is still working while on a vacation but I understand why she has to.

Our parents make sufficient money for our family. We aren't extremely well off but they make enough for us to be able to go on trips like this once in a while. People still needed her when she wasn't available.

We were only staying here for three days so I didn't really mind that I have to share with my sister. As long as she sticks to her side and doesn't bother me.

I grab my swim stuff and head down to the pool. The pool isn't too crowded which makes me feel more comfortable. Sat on the chairs are a middle-aged couple and beside them was a boy who seems to be around my age, which I assumed to be their son.

I make my way towards the pool dipping my toes into the warm water slowly. I finally decided to submerge my whole body into it. I sigh in relish as the vast body of water surrounds me. I feel so at peace.

After a few minutes, I decided that I wanted to float and relax in the pool so I decided to make a reach for the pink flamingo floating around the pool. Beside me, I notice that the boy I had seen sitting down was also attempting to reach towards it. We both make eye contact and realise that we're both intending to reach towards it.

We race towards the flamingo that was floating aimlessly in the pool. Water splashing as we do so. I take long strides and stretch my hands attempting to reach towards it. I grip its neck tightly and I let out a victorious laugh as I clamber upon it.

I feel like a child because we are both aware that there were other ones floating around the pool but I am quite a stubborn person and it seems like he is as well.

I grip the neck and float around the water, moving my hands in it and swashing the water around gently. When I notice that the flamingo is about to tip. I try to balance it but whatever force that's pushing it over seems to be stronger.

I fall into the pool with a splash. Water covered my eyes and water spurted out of my mouth.

Opposite me is the green-eyed boy with a mischievous grin on his face.

I ball up my fists to control my anger. My face is most likely sporting an unattractive frown. Right now I am pissed. 

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