Chapter 3-The Jerk next door

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It had been two weeks since I had heard that Theo and Brielle would be moving next door and believe me I was not excited.

An enormous white moving truck, with the company name written in bold blue letters, pulls up in front of the huge four-story house that stood beside us. A black Range rover follows behind, consisting of our soon to be neighbours and the rest of their luggage.

The car door opens to reveal Theo striding out from the range rover. He proceeds to head toward the back of the car to carry out plain cardboard boxes into their new home.

I am standing in my home staring out our front window like a predator ready to pounce on their prey. I look like I am nuts. 'What on earth am I doing' I think to myself.

I quickly run up our staircase to my room and lay flat on my bed staring up at the ceiling above me.

"Hey neighbour, " A voice calls out.

Stood on the balcony across from mine is Theo in all his glory. He wore a black sleeveless shirt with a pair of great sweatpants. His hands were placed in his pockets and his head slightly tilted.

'please don't be his room' I repeat in my head.

"you're just helping Brielle place her boxes in her room, right," I say, fiddling with my fingers anxiously.

"Nope, this is my room, lucky you because you get such an amazing view," He says whilst gesturing to himself.

I tug at my sheer white blinds, shielding me from the egotistical jerk. I need to get new curtains I think to myself.

Lilah my closest friend used to live in the house that Theo and his family are now occupying but at the beginning of the summer holidays Lilah her family decided to move into the smaller house across from ours because her twin older brothers were moving out of the house to college.

Lilah used to stay in the same room Theo now occupies so then I was not very worried about my privacy being invaded. But now that he is living there, these curtains are not being opened until I move out.


I walk across our driveway towards Lilah's house. The exterior wasn't that different from her old house just one story less. Just enough to occupy her parents, her twin brother and herself. I felt bad for Lilah because she and her three siblings were two sets of twins and they all had to be boys' excluding her of course.

I let myself into the house shutting the door behind me. I and Lilah were like family. We had known each other since birth and our mothers had given birth on the same day.

We did everything with each other.

I quickly say a quick hello to her mum who was cooking up something delicious in the kitchen and clamber upon the steps making my way to Lilah's room.

Lilah's shiny brown hair was sprawled across her bed whilst her brown eyes seemed to follow every sentence in the book she was reading. She read a paperback book, giggling as each line is read. Beautiful freckles are sprinkled across her face and her long legs are hung across the edge of the bed.

"It better not be what I think you are reading," I say as I gently sit on the beige bean bag placed opposite her bed.

She places the book back into the huge bookshelf that took up the whole wall."Have you seen the eye candy that moved next door to you," she exclaims drawing, my attention away from what we were just talking about.

I roll my eyes and ponder on whether I should tell us about my interaction with Theo a few weeks ago. I get up from the bean bag and decided to join her on the huge water bed that jiggles a bit as I did so.

I proceed to spill everything that happened during the trip.

Lilah begins to roll on her bed with laughter tears brimming in her eyes.

"Stop being dramatic Karissa, worst case scenario your first time meeting him could have been him kidnapping you." Her hands held her stomach from laughing so much.

"you have got to stop reading those books," I sigh, frustrated that she was not taking me seriously.

A light tap was heard on Lilah's door. The door handle is turned gently revealing Tyler our, best friend and Lilah's boyfriend. His bright Grey eyes dart towards the beige bean bag.

He strides towards the beanbag that I had sat on when I came in.

"Babe, guess what," Lilah says grinning brightly. "We found a potential boyfriend for Kas", her hand flailing in the air as she says so.

"That's great she no longer has to third-wheel anymore," he says jokingly.

I throw Lilah's round cushion at him causing it to land on his face. He combs his hand through his strawberry blonde hair. "Hey you messed my hair up" he mutters.

"Poor baby," I mutter mockingly.

Lilah grabs her remote for the flat screen TV placed in front of her bed and flicks through the potential movies to watch. She eventually ends up choosing a cliché romcom. This causes I and Tyler to groan in annoyance.

Lilah rushes down to the ground floor as her mother's yells echoed through the large household. This gives I and Tyler enough time to change the movie to one about two badass spies.

"Kas, my mum was asking you if you would like to stay for dinner," she says as she enters the room, reclaiming the spot she laid upon before.

"I can't because my mom said I need to be at home at six, for dinner with our new neighbors. "I respond.

This causes Lilah to raise her eyebrow suggestively. Although I am not so fond of what she is suggesting.

"wait for a second, What's the time?" I ask.

"six thirty," they both respond in unison.

I jump out of Lilah's bed, this causes it to shake violently. I then hurriedly make my way a cross through the spiral staircase that winded down towards the ground floor, but not before I warn Tyler and Lilah to not watch the movie without me. I guess he is stuck watching rom-coms all day.

My mom hated it when people were tardy. She always ensures that we are on time for everything.

I ran across my porch as if my life was on the line because it was. I then opened the door to see everyone including my mom sat at the dining table her hands folded towards her chest as she glared at me.

I am screwed.

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