Chapter 9-First kiss

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"Theo" a girl calls out. Her long blonde hair is sprawled across her back. Her model-like figure is standing beside the kitchen door and a flirty grin is placed on her face.

Theo takes his hand from the marble tabletop and faces the direction of her irksome voice.

With a drink in her hand, in a slurred tone, she says to Theo, "Could you please show me the way to the bathroom," while batting her long spider-like lashes.

"It's across the hallway down the right," He says whilst pointing her in the direction.

"But Theo, I am not very good with directions," she whines.

Theo sends an annoyed glare in her direction.

"Would you be alright if I left you here alone for a while Karissa? " He asks with a tentative look on his face.

"I am not a child, you can go on and attend to your next hook up, I will be alright," I joke. But I probably sound petty.

With one last look towards me, he huffs in response and makes his way towards where she is standing.

"Jerk," I whisper under my breath. After flirting with me so shamelessly Theo dared to follow Emma as she called onto him. "He is a player," I mutter in disgust.

Already bored I make my way towards the smell of sweat and booze. The loud music causes my ear to ring and I am overcome with a sense of dizziness.

I join a group of people playing truth or dare and prop myself unto one of the seats. The questions are asked across the circle each dare and question increasing in difficulty.

"Truth or dare?" Cassidy, a classmate of mine directs this question towards me with a large smirk on her face.

A series of jeers and groans are gained as I say," truth".

"Fine dare," I yell with my hands raised in surrender.

"I dare you..." Cassidy starts whilst pausing for effect. "To kiss a random person at this party, blindfolded."

I grimace in response to her dare. I couldn't possibly do that. Shouldn't my first kiss be special and with someone I truly liked? However I couldn't back out, I would look like a coward and I didn't want people's judgemental glares aimed at me.

A blindfold is tied around my eyes shielding me from the bright lights of the party and the dancing bodies. I am steered across the room by none other than Cassidy but eventually stopped at a certain point.

The events that are occurring are explained to whoever Cassidy has picked. I hear light footsteps come closer to me. The soft hands of this person are placed lightly on my shoulders. The soft breaths from their mouth come closer and closer.

This is it. I am about to have my first kiss!

A strand of my hair is pushed to the side before our lips connect. Their soft lips join to mine.

The kiss is short but sweet.

I quickly take off my blindfold to reveal the person in front of me. My eyes adjust to the bright light and roam from the person's shoes to their vibrant Grey eyes.

Stood before me is a blushing Jordan in a green Ironman sweatshirt and beige cargo pants. We seem to already have something in common. Our love for marvel.

He looks so effortlessly good even though he probably just picked the first thing from his closet. His chocolate coloured hair has been run through by his long fingers and a beautiful smile lay on his face.

"Umm, so," I start trying to strike up a conversation, trying to make the situation a little less awkward.

"So was the kiss good," he says shyly.

"More like peck," Cassie says, disappointed resulting in him bursting out in laughter. "

What did she expect, us to full-on make out?

" Sorry, I have never really kissed anyone before, "He replies

" You've never kissed anyone before!" I exclaim extremely surprised." I mean I haven't either but, you're extremely hot, "I blurt out but quickly cover my mouth after realising what was said.

" I will take that as a compliment, "He replies. It's not every day a stunning girl calls me hot.

" I'm sure you've been told you are good looking by beautiful girls, "I tease.

"Possibly" he replies but not one as beautiful as you. "

" What do you want, for me to do your share of the project? "I ask still in a bit skeptical about what he just said.

" I am pretty smart and hardworking too... "he replies with a wide grin on his face.

However my attention is now directed towards Theo who is currently making out with the girl from before, his hand daring a little too close to the edge of her dress.

They both break apart, faces flushed and rushed panting. He then sends a glance toward me . However it's as if anger suddenly floods his face as his eyes dart towards Jordan.

He storms towards us pushing up his sleeves to reveal his pulsing biceps. He reaches toward Jordan's shirt and twists it aggressively.

"What are you doing in my house," Theo yells.

The music stops and eyes dart in our direction. Everybody awaiting a fight.

*Theo's POV:

I hold her hair back as she dunks the content of the night in the toilet. The constant retching and the putrid smell of vomit caused me to feel squeamish.

Wiping the dropping vomit from her mouth with the back of her palm Emma says, "thanks, Theo."

Emma finally cleans herself up, rinsing her mouth with water and washing her vomit stained hands. After a while of Emma trying to scrub her barf from the dress, I head towards the kitchen, with Emma trailing behind me, hoping to see Karissa in the same spot as I left her.

I am filled with disappointment as I am met with an empty kitchen. I try to rush out hoping to see her nearby, but Emma uses her sharp claw-like nails to grab my wrist.

She lets her other hand crawl its way towards my shoulders and tries to draw me into her, pouting her crimson-coloured lips as she does so.

Pushing her hand off me I yell, "Are you nuts!"

Her hand recoils and her face expresses her hurt.

I rush out of the kitchen towards the crowd of people sitting in a circle. I turn around to see Karissa being pushed through the crowd blindfolded.

I am about to approach her when I notice that she is kissing a guy.

A pang is felt in my chest. A feeling of disappointment spreads throughout.

Why was I feeling this way? She was the immature, stubborn girl I met at the pool right?

I make my way towards the table grabbing a drink for myself. The bitter and strong liquid burns on my tongue.

My arm is being grabbed by none other than Emma. "What do you want?" I say in a harsh tone.

"Just wanted to make sure you knew that I am still here if you change your mind," She replies

Currently not thinking I place my lips on hers. Soon enough tongue was involved and Emma was propped unto the nearest table.

Taking a gasp of air I glanced in Karissa's direction to see if she was watching. It felt good to know she was.

I was too distracted to see the expression on Karissa's face when I realize who the guy she kissed is.

It was none other than Jordan Miller, my sister's ex. Seeing nothing but red, I storm up to him furiously.

Hands gripping around his shirt, I yell, "What are you doing in my house". 

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