Chapter 10-Desperate Apologies

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The atmosphere is now vengeful and tense. Theo's hand still grips Jordan's shirt.

Everyone is unaware of how to resolve the situation

In fact, they continue to rile it up even more as they chant the words" fight. "

" Theo, this isn't you, "I hear from beside me. Emma is caressing Theo's biceps and looking unto him compassionately.

I mean what does she think he would say," you're right Emma, I am so glad you are here. "

Theo glances in my direction then push Emma's hand off his and loosen his grip on Jordan ." Get the hell out of my house."Theo mutters.

" and maybe you can take your whore with you," Emma says.

She can't be talking about me can she. However, her hard glare towards me tells me that comment was aimed at me.

Ashamed, embarrassed yet extremely furious, I send a slap in Emma's direction, resulting in a loud thud and a red handprint on her flushed cheeks.

It does not take long for Emma to want to retaliate. She is currently positioning her hands to slap me back but Theo holds her hand firmly.

I hurriedly chase after Jordan as he backs away from a fuming Theo.

The warm evening breeze hits me as soon as I step out onto the pavement.

Jordan is sitting on the hood of his car as his grey eyes seem to study me.

" And scene, " He says as I approach him.

"Well, that was an outburst," I grin. "Why does Theo seem to want to strangle you when you guys just met?"

Jordan sighs. Silence surrounds us. Branches fight against the harsh force of the wind and the crickets hum in the night air.

"I used to date Brielle," Jordan blurts out.

"What!" I exclaim. This shocking discovery causes me to be at a loss for words.

"well... that's what Theo thinks." He continues.

I patiently wait for him to proceed with the story.

"Around this time of the year, a year ago, I and Theo were close friends and I was dating a girl I really liked called Elise," Jordan says.

After that scene at the party, I couldn't possibly imagine Jordan and Theo being on friendly terms with each other.

Jordan combs his hand through his hair and grimaces as nostalgia hits him hard." one day after basketball practice I saw Theo and Elise kissing. So without any explanation I broke up with her and got into a fake relationship with Brielle to piss him off. It was all going well until I got drunk at a party and Theo saw me getting with another girl. He immediately told me I had to break it off with her which was kind of ironic. "

" Theo is a freaking douchebag," I yell. This places a smile on Jordan's face.

I was full of disappointment, I had never labelled Theo as someone who would steal his friend's girlfriend and I didn't want to believe it.

All of a sudden I hear my name being yelled. Theo, with his hands in his pockets, was making my way towards me.

"That would be my cue to leave," Jordan says as he gently opens his car door.

He then stops and walks toward me.

"Thank you for listening to me and taking my side," Jordan says as he gently hugs me. He smells so good.

"Of course, "I say cheerily, "that's what science partners are for."

Jordan enters his sleek black car waving his hand out of the window as he drives away.

I finally turn towards where we had seen Theo. He carefully approaches me his face sullen and full of regret.

"I am so sorry, I wasn't thinking at that moment," He says in a remorseful tone.

"Yeah that's the problem you don't think, you continuously hurt people with your actions, starting with your own friend," I scream.

My words seem to have stung him as he seems hesitant to say his next words

With a confused look on his face he says," what do you mean? "

" stop acting like you don't remember kissing someone else's girlfriend, It was just last year," I say angry at Theo on Jordan's behalf.

"You mean Elise, what exactly did Jordan tell you because if I remember correctly she kissed me and I told her to back off immediately after." He replies as his once calm composure morphed into one full of hurt.

"You didn't even try to believe that I wouldn't be in the wrong for a second, did you," He asks.

I should have known, that Theo wouldn't do that.

"To you, I can never do anything right," He says as he begins to back away.

"Theo, I am sorry," I whisper as he walks away not even sparing me a second glance.

I storm into my house in a hurry and plant my face on my pillow.

How did everything go so wrong? One moment I was having the time of my life and the next I was being called a whore.

Lost in my conflicting thoughts, I eventually doze off into a heavy sleep.


It is eight a.m in the morning and I am currently standing at the window to see if I could yell out an apology to Theo.

I peak out my curtains not wanting to get caught but I am met with his Grey blinds pried shut.

Trying to talk to him in school is harder than expected. I try to approach him at his locker but as soon as I am seen he walks in the other direction.

I pass along a paper note with the words, I am sorry, written on it but as soon as he receives it he rips it in half.

We're halfway through school and I am already fed up.

"I am unsure of whether I should give up or kidnap him and force him to forgive me," I say to Lailah.

"Just find a way to talk to him in which he can't possibly ignore you. "Lailah replies.

It is currently lunchtime and Lailah and I are walking toward the cafeteria when I see Theo.

He is walking with a group of friends with a bored expression sat on his face.

" Go get your man! "Lailah exclaims as she shoves me in his direction

I walk towards Theo determined to get his attention." Theo, could talk to you for a minute?" I ask hesitantly.

I am so sure he heard me but I am not met with a response.

Suddenly not thinking I pull Theo into the janitor's closet with me and shut the door.

A shocked look sits on Theo's face. He probably didn't think I had it in me.

" You already said what you had to say yesterday," Theo says harshly.

Ignoring this comment, I say, " Theo I am so sorry, for judging you without listening to your point of view ".

Again I am met with no response and a blank stare.

So I repeat myself five times in the next minute. Out of breath, I exclaim

"How can I get you to forgive me. "

With his hands in his pocket, a flirty grin on his face and him leaning in close to me he says, "go on a date with me."

I can still feel his soft breath tickling my skin. Flustered and unsure of whether he was serious, I exclaim "what!"

Nonchalantly Theo repeats himself, "Go on a date with me." 

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